Children ~ Minishaw

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"Wait," JJ screeched incredulously, eyes wide with disbelief. "You guys have actually talked about kids?" When the two nodded, JJ's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion and he whispered, as if no one was supposed to hear, "Already?"

"I mean, yeah." Simon answered, nonplussed, as if the question made no sense. "We're going on five years now, I don't think it's at all weird that we've had the conversation a couple times."

As if searching for validation, JJ turned to Harry, who was sat uncomfortably close to his boyfriend in order to feel comfortable during - what, to him, felt like - an attack.

"Are you not too young? You still act like a kid yourself."

Harry's face flushed (with what appeared to be shame) and his eyes dropped down to his lap. He unconsciously started fiddling with one of the too-long sleeves of Simon's jumper.

"Yeah- b-but I think it'd be... cool."

Harry mentally cursed himself, knowing as soon as the words were out that they may be taken the wrong way. But he didn't know how else to word his feelings on the matter. Simon had dragged half of an acceptable answer out of him once, two years ago, and even he had to fill in some bits for Harry. (Not that he minded, of course. Simon often found himself filling in for Harry. It was something he'd grown accustomed to after their first year of friendship. It was just second nature to him now.)

"Cool?" JJ shrieked, silently requesting an explanation, secretly preferring Harry developed his point before JJ's overactive mind jumped to any - possibly harmful - conclusions.

Unfortunately, JJ continued before either of his friends could get a sound in, let alone a word.

"Harry, parenthood isn't some lap around a race track in a fucking go kart - it's serious shit, man."

Harry nodded in understanding, glassy eyes still downcast. JJ was doing nothing but confirm some of the many different thoughts Harry had had on this topic throughout his lifetime.

When JJ went to carry on, mouth open, ready to fire off more (potentially damaging) honest opinions, Simon decided it was time for him to cut in.

"That's enough, JJ. We've spoken about it, we'll continue to talk about it - in private. It's nothing for you to worry about so zip it." Simon admonished, cautiously adding a soft, "Please," at the end.

JJ stared at his two friends, analysing both their body language and facial expressions.

He agreed to back off, eventually going as far as apologising to the couple.

The whole time, throughout the entire conversation, not once did Simon let go of Harry's hand. He didn't so much as relax until Harry's head was resting on his shoulder and the younger man was at ease, finally.


"You reckon I could handle it?"

"Of course." Simon replied, smiling gently down at his partner. His large, delicate hand cupped Harry's cheek, his thumb swiping smooth back and forths, on a mission to lift the other's mood.

"I reckon that you could do anything." Simon waited for Harry's shy, hopeful smile to appear before adding, "As long as I'm with you."

There were several outcomes to Simon's comment, none particularly bad, considering Harry's mood. Luckily, instead of growing sadder, Harry released a softly whispered, "Yeah," giggling quietly as he hid his face in Simon's chest.

The sound made Simon smile, and soon they were both giggling, standing together in Simon's shared kitchen.


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