Pressure ~ Minishaw

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1 + 5
1 time Simon and Harry are pressured into kissing and 5 times they're not.

Or, alternately: 5 times Simon and Harry drunkenly share some form of a kiss and 1 of the times they share a sober kiss.


1. After Party

The mood, clutching and unforgiving, is intoxicating.

There are 20 or so people cramped into this one small room - at least 50% of the group are beyond drunk. One or two are steadily approaching tipsy, another three simply riding the waves of not-quite-sober and being fine with that. The remaining five occupants are happily sober. (And wish to stay that way for the rest of the night, even if it is nearly over. The night, not the party.)

"Come, come." Ethan demands hastily, beckoning the entirety of the group, indicating for them to come closer to where he sits cross-legged on the floor.

Eventually, everyone joins him on the floor. The shape they form isn't quite a circle, which Tobi points out with a gentle chuckle. No one really seems to care, though.

"Now, ladies and gents," Ethan starts, his voice too loud in such a small room, too loud considering the people he's talking to are sat in front of and beside him. "I would like to thank each and every one of you for helping us to be the people we are today." He hiccups, which makes Harry giggle uncontrollably beside him. Ethan takes a moments pause to share a look and a laugh with Harry. "Without you, and others who aren't in this room, for whatever reason, we wouldn't be here. You shaped us into the respectable men we've all become. And, for that, we're grateful."

A cheer reverberates around the not-circle, disbanding at Ethan's impatient shushing motions.

"Anyway, enough of that! It's time for a game or two, lads! Before we get old." Ethan jokes at the end, making most if not all people laugh with him.

"A game of what?" Simon asks, smirking. He's only slightly tipsy, but he appears fine with that. "Truth or Dare? We're not twelve, Eth."

Tobi turns to him, completely serious. He gives the older man a once over before he speaks, "You might not be."

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

Ethan slaps his own knees, once, twice; does it three times total in order to bring the attention back towards himself. "Ladies, ladies, give it a rest."

"You're both pretty," Harry assures quietly from beside Ethan, his head resting on the older man's shoulder. He smiles kindly at his friends.

"So what are we going to play?" On the other side of Ethan, JJ looks confused. "If not Truth or Dare?"

"I have a special one in mind," Ethan holds up the box that previously sat in his lap. No one is able to read what said box says, unfortunately for them. "But, first, a few rounds of Kiss, Marry, Kill. Keep in mind, however, you actually have to kiss the person you pick kiss for."

When several groans ring out unmasked, Ethan frowns. "Actually, that's a bit morbid, isn't it? Okay, okay, instead: Fuck, Marry, Kiss. You still have to kiss the person you name, but obviously you don't have to fuck anyone." His eyebrows wiggle when he says the next part, "Unless you want to, of course."

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