Robot Emotions ~ Wroetostar (Part 2)

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For CallMeCallLmao who asked for a part two.

-Unrequited feelings.

...Vik has a girlfriend now.

And of course, she's tall and pretty. Her eyes are such a delicate shade of blue that Harry could cry, genuinely.

Vik only confirmed it to them this morning, but they've all seen it coming for months now.

It's harder now, for Harry. He told Vik he was jealous of him - but he's not - and now it's only one girl flirting with Vik instead of many. That's worse to Harry, somehow, because it means Vik's settling. Without Harry.

(Of course he is.)


Vik's smiling, gently, at Harry, as if he thinks he might break. (He won't, not anymore.)

Harry just had to sit through a painful proper introduction of Vik's girlfriend to the Sidemen. Luckily, the other boys took the reins and allowed him to mostly just sit back and watch, rather than be at the forefront of all the awkwardness.

(Actually, on everyone else's part, the external interaction went very well. Inside their heads however, was a different story.)


"She's too nice." Harry said.

All the other boys turn to him, practically as one. To do so, they had to tear their gazes away from the happy, giggling couple dancing on the outskirts of the dance floor.

"So?" JJ asked for them all, acting the part of supportive best friend. (They all were, to Vik and Harry at the same time. Which was not a good idea. Harry thought their plan was bound to backfire.)

"It means I can't hate her."

Which is true, he can't. Whenever he feels like he's toeing the line of dislike, she swoops in with a gentle smile and a warm laugh and oh fuck, why can't she just be a bratty tart with no real personality? Or have a pair of fucking devil horns, at least.


"Are you okay, Harry?" Comes from somewhere above Harry, but he can't figure out who it is as his eyes are on his hands, watching them fiddle with his shoe as if it's a toy. He stops when someone lifts his head with a hand under his chin.

When his eyes meet soft blue ones, he has to hold in a groan. Of course.

When he doesn't answer, the bain of his existence - he likes to pretend she is, though he knows she's not - repeats herself.

"Are you okay, Harry?"

Harry would say he's probably not. He's sat on the floor in a bathroom; he doesn't know who's bathroom it is. He's slouched against the bath, so drunk he's surprised there isn't two of her.

Instead of answering verbally (because he doesn't think he can), Harry just shakes his head.

Apparently too quickly, because then he's leaning forward with the threat of throwing up looming over him.

"Oh honey, come on. Let's get you sorted."

Harry shakes his head, but he's letting her pull him up anyway. It's too much though, because the next thing he knows his vision is clearing and there's sick on her shirt.

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