Men Before Melissas ~ Minishaw

760 14 5

This is for shmaptinshmerica. I'm sorry it took so long. Thanks for the request <3

Simon sighed before he'd even read the comment out loud, "'What do you think of Harry's new girlfriend? She seems nice.'"

Master of words that he was, Simon didn't stutter but he did wait an agonising ten seconds before answering, blatantly spending the time thinking over an answer.

"I don't hate her, contrary to popular belief. Just, something happened off camera so I'm not all that keen on her, if I'm honest. It doesn't really affect me though, does it... as long as she makes Harry happy, that's all that matters. That's all we want for him, really."

Immediately, among other comments, Simon's stream was flooded with questions asking of what happened off camera, as well as demands for him to explain further.

Rather than doing as his stream asked (or ordered, in some cases), Simon simply moved on from the topic, not wanting to make a big deal out of what was, essentially, nothing.


"Why are they coming over? Harry literally has his own flat why don't the two of them go there." Simon may have phrased his words like a question, but JJ knew him well enough to understand he hadn't meant them as a question - he didn't want an answer. His friend was not-so-subtly suggesting that Harry and his girlfriend take their business elsewhere.

(Somewhere he wouldn't have to deal with them.)

"Bro, I literally don't have a clue. I just got out of the shower to a text from Harry telling me they were in the area and asking if they could come by in a bit." Simon only just refrained from rolling his eyes and/or scoffing, instead focusing on the crimson red bath towel the other had draped around his shoulders. He focused on the droplet of water that shuddered its way down the side of JJ's face, from his hairline, over his temple, halfway along his cheek when JJ wiped it away with a small corner of the coloured towel.

"And you said yes? Why?" Whilst it wasn't quite urgency that was present in Simon's voice, JJ wondered if panicked was too strong a word to describe the unpleasant tone he could hear.

JJ shrugged, looking at Simon with the overwhelming beginnings of naïve guilt. (Served him right! He should feel guilty.)

"I don't know, man... I guess I just didn't wanna be rude. I know Harry was feeling really down yesterday and I guess I thought this might make his day a bit better." JJ laughed weakly, no humour detectable, "My day definitely feels better when things go the way I want them to."

Simon's lips pursed, the visible fight draining out of him only to be replaced by a weak tension to the set of his shoulders. He pointed at his friend, his face as serious as before, though they both knew him well enough to know he wasn't angry, and he didn't mean what he said in a bad way, "You're a dick for this."

JJ merely gave him a heavy pat on the shoulder as he passed by him, cackling away to himself with a grin.

"This guy." Simon muttered to himself, shaking his head in disbelief before flopping himself down onto their sofa.


When the doorbell rang a good twenty-five minutes later, Simon felt as prepared as he had been half an hour ago, when JJ first told him that Harry and his girlfriend were coming over. In short, he was not prepared at all, but he would make it look like he was, as he was prone to do. The façade was already up, locked in place firmly, by the time he opened the door for the recent couple.

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