A Break From Happiness ~ Vobi

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For not_alisson.

Tobi glanced, taken aback, as Vik walked right past him and his place on the sofa, heading straight for the stairs as if Tobi wasn't there at all.

Perturbed - as for Vik to completely ignore Tobi, to not so much as acknowledge him, was rare and scary - Tobi went after his boyfriend. He dropped his phone on the sofa, next to his hip, and shot up out of his chair so fast he could have given himself whiplash, surely, if he'd done it even the tiniest bit quicker.

The state that Tobi found Vik in, for a lack of a better words, was depressing. The younger man lay on his side on their shared bed, atop the covers, with his clothes still on.

The only item he wasn't wearing, that Tobi knew the other had been wearing before, were his trainers - and that was only because of their shoe rack near the front door. Likely, if that rack didn't exist, Vik would also still be wearing said trainers.

"Vik, honey?" Tobi started softly, his voice as light as the footsteps with which he stepped into their bedroom. "Are you okay?"

When Tobi received no response, his eyebrows furrowed. Whilst he understood that Vik was upset, Tobi couldn't help but feel a bit disrespected by the overt disregard that he was being subjected to.

"Vik, come on, sweetheart. You wanna tell me what's wrong?" Tobi asked, his voice just as gentle as it had been before. As he spoke, Tobi made his way towards their large bed.

He successfully climbed on after the second attempt, then he knee-walked across it until he came to a stop behind Vik's barely-moving form.

If it wasn't for the tiny, almost unnoticeable rises and falls of his chest due to his breathing, one may not realise that he was even still alive.

"Fuck off, Tobi!"

At the harsh words, Tobi comically tumbled backwards on the bed. (It was comical in the way that he fell, but nothing about his hurt emotions was even the remotest bit funny.)

"Excuse me?"

"I said: Fuck off, Tobi!" Vik bit back again, his words the harshest Tobi had ever heard from him. (Within their two years of a relationship, and the many years they had spent as simply best friend's before that.)

Vik had always been a gentle soul, so an outburst from him was rare - there was near to none of them, usually.

Tobi gaped, humorously, down at Vik's motionless form lying before him on the mattress.

Realising that the situation was going nowhere - and not wishing to be shouted at anymore - Tobi left the room, his movements hush. He shut the door with a gentle click, regretfully leaving Vik to his endless barrage of thoughts.


An hour later, after replying to a couple of (pointless) work emails and busying himself with nothing important in order to be on the go as soon as Vik needed him, Tobi made his way back up the stairs, up to their bedroom once again. He needed to check on his Vik.

He had feared that, inside it, he would find Vik still laying in the same position, as downbeat as before.

However, as he entered the room, he noticed that whilst he was still lying on the bed, Vik was no longer laying in the same position, on the same side of the bed. Instead, he lay in the very middle of the bed, now, with his arms and legs starfished, shooting off in four different directions.


When he, again, received no answer from his boyfriend, Tobi continued talking, trying to lure Vik away from the darkness he knew he would eventually drift into, if Tobi wasn't there to bring him back from it.

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