Your Hot Temper Will Ruin Us - Wroetobehz

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"Are you capable of ever looking at anyone but Simon?"

Harry blinked, twice, his head twitching in confusion, before he turned to look at his boyfriend. The question was deep and aggressive, and Harry didn't understand what had spawned it. When the two of them had arrived together, Ethan had been in a beautiful mood. He had greeted all of their friends with a bright smile and boisterous laughter - even, or maybe particularly, Simon, so Harry didn't understand the sudden hostility.

"Yes?" He tried tentatively, "I'm looking at you, right now, aren't I?"

Ethan huffed, his face red as his demeanour rapidly inched towards enraged. It wasn't a good look on him, had never been, Harry could confirm. It was never a good look on anyone, really, but specifically Ethan. The deep set to his eyebrows made him look like a vile simpleton, cruel in both his words and his glares.

(Harry was unsure how much of it was his own emotions and how much was the several glasses of alcohol he had downed, on an a practically empty stomach, in the single hour they had already been there for.)

"All I'm saying is people are gonna start thinking you're in love with him or something." Ethan spits, his hands raised in a sarcastic gesture of surrender, looking every bit the scorned boyfriend he apparently feels he is.

"What?" That hadn't been what Harry was expecting, but maybe it should have been, considering Ethan's tendency to overthink most situations but likely never let on. "Why would anyone think I'm in love with Simon? I spend most of my free time with you."

That had obviously been the wrong thing to say, Harry realised, as he watched in real time the way Ethan's eyes darkened, the left one twitching. His scowl had taken on a much more hurt tone.

"Notice how you didn't refute it? You're fucking ridiculous, Harry, flaunting in front of your boyfriend - you might as well just throw yourself at him, Harry!"

It was unsurprising, given the volume of Ethan's voice, that they had started to garner attention from the other people sat at the large restaurant table. Several of the Sidemen had begun throwing concerned looks in their direction, and some of the newer girlfriends of the Troops were looking slightly uncomfortable. Everyone seemed to fear the possibility of the situation escalating. Not an unwarranted fear at all, considering how much of a hot-head Ethan was, as well as how stubborn and defensive Harry could get whenever he believed he was being wronged. (And being wronged he was.)

"Everything alright, lads?" Simon leant over across the table to ask them, his features soft and worried. Next to him, Talia's conversation with Freya had turned stilted as they both threw what they thought were discrete glances towards them.

(To be fair to them, Ethan's focus was zeroed in on Harry and subsequently Simon, so he wasn't the one they had to worry about noticing.)

"Yeah, everything's fine, Simon." Harry assured, looking bewildered yet vexed. He was so easy to irritate, sometimes, it was astounding. Once Simon turned away, back to his conversation with Freezy, Harry turned his attention back to Ethan.

(Ethan was still a little too focused on the disbelieving acceptance written all over Simon's features as he attempted to reintegrate himself seamlessly into the discussion that Lux had now joined in his absence.)

"I genuinely don't know how anyone could think such a thing, Ethan. Simon is literally one of my best mates."

Provoked, Ethan stood rashly. His chair scraped furiously against the wooden flooring, effectively drawing the attention of everyone at their table as well as a few strangers on some of the surrounding tables. Harry had to fight his instincts to completely withdraw, and was mostly successfully, but he still shrunk down on himself a little bit.

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