Shy Touches ~ Wroetostar

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Harry and Vik's relationship was, in every sense of the word, innocent. Pure. The two were absolutely adorable.

"It's sickening!" JJ said, a mouthful of his breakfast saying hello to the rest of the tables occupants as he talked.

At this, Simon looked revolted. "Ew, close your mouth JJ."

JJ rolled his eyes before closing his mouth and chewing aggressively, keeping his lips pressed together comically.

Tobi was the one to steer the conversation back to where it was before.

"I think it's cute."

JJ, having finished chewing, swallowed dramatically - with his eyes locked on Simon, glaring - pointing at Tobi rudely.

"Yes! It's too cute."

"Hey guys." The group looked up to find Vik stood there waving, his other hand entwined with a silent Harry.

He received a chorus of hellos in response, taking one of the two spare chairs the table had. Harry slowly lowered himself into the other one, next to Vik. They're hands stayed entwined.

"Sorry we're late. Harry didn't wanna leave."

The actual words went unspoken, but everyone understood that Harry must have had another freak-out.

"Sorry." He whispered, not looking up at any of them, too busy playing with Vik's fingers. Obviously, Vik just let him be.

"It's alright, Bog!" Ethan said, hand resting comfortingly on Harry's shoulder.

Josh caught Harry's eye as he looked up, smiling sincerely at him. "Yeah, it's alright, mate."

The corners of Harry's lips twitched into a tiny, soft smile.

Vik, in a very perky manner, asked Simon to pass him the menu closest to him, arm stretched out across the table in waiting.

"Oh, yeah, here." Simon said, grabbing the menu and passing it over to Vik. As soon as the menu was in his hand, Vik pulled his arm back, positioning it in between himself and Harry, so they could both see the menu.

Harry, still playing with Vik's fingers, gave the menu a quick once over before shaking his head and laying it on Vik's shoulder.

"Nothing?" Vik asked, frowning.

Harry just shrugged, confirming to Vik that he wanted nothing.

"Okay, but if you want anything off my plate..." Vik left the words hanging, but Harry understood.

He nodded, smiling gently.

Josh was the one to draw the attention of a nearby waiter, pointing to Vik to let him know he was the one waiting to order.

After Vik had ordered what he wanted, the others decided to get another round of drinks. The poor waiter stood and waited for them all to make their decisions.

"Tobi," Harry called. "Have you tried the apple juice?"

Tobi made a vague hand gesture, as if to say duh, as he spoke. "Of course I have. What do you take me for?"

"Is it nice?"

"It's fucking amazing."

Harry hummed thoughtfully, glancing over at the drink menu in Ethan's hands.

"I'll have an apple juice, then." He said.

Tobi smiled, holding out a fist for Harry to bump, saying, "Apple juice gang, yeah?"

Harry nodded slightly.

When Ethan was done with the menu, as Josh had already ordered, he handed it over to Vik.

Vik stared down at the menu in his hands, eyebrows furrowed.

"You know what," he nodded once as he talked, "I'll have an apple juice too."

Tobi then reached out for a fist bump from Vik as well.

The waiter, as soon as they had all ordered, hurried away.

A few minutes later a different waiter approached their table with a tray of drinks.

"So I've got," he looked down at his tray, "Three apple juices," he placed one each in front of Tobi, Vik and Harry as they raised their hands. "Two coffees," he said.

"Yeah, that's us." Simon said, pointing a thumb at first, himself, and then at Josh.

The waiter handed them over too before looking down at the last two drinks on the tray, a glass of milk and a pale pink smoothie.

"I still have a milk and a smoothie."

"The milk's me, mate." JJ said, hand raised up to chest level.

The waited slid the glass over, removing the smoothie from the tray and placing it on the table in front of him. He put the tray under his arm, holding it against his side.

"I'm guessing the smoothie is yours, then." He laughed, facing Ethan.

"Yeah, yeah, thanks lad." Ethan smiled up at the waiter before he left for the bar.

(The waiter, not Ethan.)

They spent about a minute simply sipping at their drinks in silence before the others returned to what food they had left.

Another two minutes later, Vik's food arrived, brought over by yet another waiter.

The girl was young, about nineteen maybe, and seemingly new if the way she eyed Vik's plate, clutched tightly in both hands, was anything to go by.

JJ stood up before she even reached their table, walking over to her and removing the plate from her grip.

"Let me get that for you."

She laughed, relieved, following him to the table and watching him give the plate to Vik.

Her soft "Thank you," was aimed at JJ, the following words aimed towards the rest of the table, but more so Vik.

"Enjoy your food." And then she left, heading back towards the kitchen.

As Vik dug into his food, the other boys took it upon themselves to start up a conversation.

Harry eyed Vik's plate before tapping his boyfriends thigh, pointing at the slices of toast when he looked over at him.

"Can I have some toast?"

Vik smiled brightly, nodding. "Of course you can."

Harry pecked Vik's cheek before leaning forward and nicking a single piece of toast.

As he chewed, he seemed to perk up a little bit, but he still stayed rather quiet.

Once Vik finished, they chatted for another five minutes before their original waiter made his way over.

"Everything okay? Can I get you guys anything?"

Josh shook his head, smiling. "Just the bill please."

The waiter nodded before turning and walking off.

He returned soon after with the bill, leaving the others to sort out payment.

After the complicated issue of several of them paying by cash, others by card (they had to send the waiter off to go and get a card machine first), they all stood to leave.

All belongings gathered, they left the restaurant, out into the chilly morning sun.

Here, they all parted ways, Simon and JJ heading back to their flat, both needing to record. Josh had a day planned with Freya, so he left to meet up with her, whilst Tobi and Ethan waited for their two other friends to say goodbye so they could leave. Ethan and Harry were going to hang out, Tobi and Vik off to sort out the next Sidemen video.

The two partners wrapped their arms around each other in a sweet hug, parting with a kiss to Vik's forehead from Harry.

"Bye Harry."

"Bye bye, Vik."

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