Dear Mr. Lewis ~ Minishaw

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A fluffy thing loosely based on a moment from the Sidemen $20,000 VS $200 Hotel (Europe Edition). I have a few other prompts from that video as well, so they might be written soon!

"You like this room do ya boys - you like this room? Look! Dear. Mr Lewis." Harry taunted smugly, his words effectively bringing his friends back and towards him, their eyes honing in on the message he pointed to, wide with disbelief.

Before Ethan could kick up a fuss, his face already pink with bewildered rage, Simon cut in with a smart, casual retort. His head tilted to one side slightly as he smirked.

"I would argue, since I'm Mr. Lewis, too, that this could potentially be my room. It doesn't specify which Mr. Lewis."

As Ethan turned towards the camera, dumbstruck, he rattled off about four different reasons - all within the span of a minute - explaining why this situation wasn't fair and how the entire video was rigged. No one in the room paid him any mind, and they all highly doubted that any of their viewers would, either. The man was on the good team, so they had no room for his complaints.

"Y-yeah, we-well-l, you-" Harry stuttered continuously, seemingly incapable of a quick, clear response to his husband's taunts.

But that was the cause for the stuttering, wasn't it? Simon being Simon Lewis, rather than Simon Minter. It was still so surreal to Harry, like a mere wisp of a daydream. He still couldn't fathom how that ideal was now his reality - after all these years, and all.

Simon and Harry were still fresh from their honeymoon at the time of filming, and whilst Harry had heard Lewis be used in replacement of Minter in reference to Simon's surname, many times, the effect it had on him still hadn't worn off.

Maybe it was because he had heard it seriously only on a handful of occasions, only one time after their wedding day. Other than that, it had merely been used as teasing from friends (and Simon), as well as in some of Simon's attempts at dirty talk.

Or maybe it was because Harry was just hopeless(ly in  love with Simon).

When Simon flopped backwards onto the (Harry's) bed, his shoes kicked off, Harry released a dramatic whine, playing a tantrum up for the camera. He knew Simon's words would be edited out of the final cut, as that had been discussed years ago, so Harry's lack of care at Simon being on his bed would not make complete sense to the viewers.

"Oi, get off me bed! That's my bed." Harry toed off his trainers, kicked them to the side, out of the way, before he approached the bed, faux irritated at Simon's nonplussed actions. "Get your pasty ass off of it before I make you."

"I don't like where this is going," Ethan muttered nervously to John beside him. John chuckled, but he nodded in agreement as he did so.

"You couldn't make a dog roll over, if you begged, Harry."

"Good thing you're not a dog, then, isn't it?"

"Nah, nah, I'm out!" Ethan shouted as he ran from the room, John immediately running after him with his camera aimed high, swinging it from side to side so it moved with his body - all for comedic effect.

Back in the room, meanwhile, Harry giggled proudly, his cheeks flushing brightly as Simon's melodic laugh rang out, his soothing voice not far behind it.

"This bed is comfy." Simon said, observed, both hands coming to slap down hard on the mattress, hitting spots on either side of himself.


Ever the problem solver, outrightly curious in his nature, Simon called Josh later that evening to ask him about the room situation.

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