Deepthroat Spray ~ Harry (1/7)

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This will be a seven part series on how each ship goes about Harry's newest possession.

Deepthroatman 👀
= Horny Harold

-Sexual content.

Deepthroat Spray. Josh had bought him deepthroat spray.

As if Harry would ever use it seriously. The only reason he'd actually tried it during filming was simply to appease the boys.


So, Harry hadn't lied, technically. He'd only tried it out of curiosity, a more thorough experiment than the one they'd conducted during filming.

And since his experiment number one got cut short, of course he had to try it again; for a third time.


Harry moaned, aroused by the knowledge that without a silly little spray bottle, this wasn't something he was normally able to do.

Somehow, Harry had managed to fit his entire fist into his mouth. Which, with the spray in full effect, gave his fingers full access to his throat.

It was weird, this sensation. His throat rhythmically fluttered around his fingers.

This spray was great. Why had he never thought to try it before?

(Admittedly, he hadn't known it was a thing until a week ago, when he'd received the spray as a gift from Josh.)


Honestly, Harry had always suspected that he had an oral fixation. (Something that the boys like to joke about a lot.)

But with this spray, Harry's theory, his suspicion, was no longer just that.

It was a fucking fact.


Okay, so maybe he was a little too attached.

But the way the other boys' eyes stared at him - dark and lust-blown - was intoxicating.

Harry had to dig his nails into the skin of thigh as the ice lolly he was currently deepthroating slipped that little bit deeper down his throat.

He met JJ's eyes, then, whether accidentally or on purpose.

It hit him then - he was deepthroating an ice lolly. In front of his mates.

Fuck, how much more desperate could he get?


Harry could get a lot more desperate, apparently. It was a fact he'd come to admit two weeks ago, when he'd first slipped the tiny spray bottle into the side of his rucksack.

Who needed on-the-go Deepthroat Spray, anyway? If anyone else knew about this, they'd surely call him a slut, right?


Oh fuck, maybe Harry was a slut.

There was definitely no need for him to grab the hand closest to him - in the middle of filming a MoreSidemen video, mind you - and just, wrap his lips around the middle and index fingers of it.

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