Tattoos ~ Kshaw

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In which Harry is a peculiar young man; one who doesn't know the full phrase.

"Yo, guys, Harry has a thing for tattoos!"

Simon's words were, as he intended for them to be, immediately met with a flurry of responses - all in a variety of contrasting fashions.

"Ay, ay!"

"Dirty fucker." Harry scowled at Ethan, successfully hiding away even the tiniest slivers of the hurt he stupidly felt at his best friend's words.

"Are we surprised, though, really?" Vik asked, face mock-thoughtful; his lips twitched up in a smile.

"No!" Tobi laughed, yet his hand came up to rest on Harry's shoulder, bent flat over the curved, hard muscle.

Ever since the derisive words drifted from between pale lips, made audible only by the amused projection of Simon's voice, JJ's eyes stayed glued to the youngest member of their group.

When Harry finally caught the older boy's eyes, JJ raised a single, black eyebrow, curiously wondrous.


"Yeah." Simon nodded, voice serious in a manner so fake Harry could do nothing but gape uselessly. "He'll drop to his knees for anyone with even the smallest drop of ink on their skin."

JJ's eyebrow wasn't the only thing twitching upwards this time, the right corner of his lips tilted up in a taunting smirk. His eyes stayed locked on Harry, two clear-glass windows that set Harry on edge.

See-through windows reflected off of the glistening mirrors that were Harry's eyes, requested access so harshly denied.

JJ nodded, lips pursed in judicious awareness.


The apples of Harry's cheeks flushed a faint rose colour, the tan speckles on his nose and upper cheeks developing rapidly into a rich caramel colour.

When Harry just about caught the wink JJ discreetly sent his way, the rosiness of his cheeks subjected themselves to their fate of metamorphosis, the bluntness of the their new rosewood colour a stark contrast to the pale blue of his eyes.

"You sound like you think it's far more than just interesting, mate." Ethan - oh so honestly - commented.

"That's because I do."

(Liar, liar, plants on fire.)


"Tattoos, aye?" JJ wondered conversationally, soft eyes resting delicately on Harry's previously restless form.

Harry refused, simply, to look up from his thoughtless sketch, consciously dropping his bottom lip from between his teeth.


As he answered, Harry unconsciously double tapped his pen against the opened page of his sketchbook, the tell-tale sign he was unaware he used, to signal he was lying.


Harry hurriedly scribbled out a zig-zagged line across his awful sketch, his nose scrunched in discontent at the rough image.

"No." He asserted.

(Liar, liar, sketch on fire.)

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