Dangerous Jealousy ~ Kshaw

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For Vikkihow who requested a sad Harry/JJ fic.


Harry loved hugs.

That was it; he just really loved them.

(Just as JJ really, really loved Harry.)


"Back off, fam!" JJ shouted, clearly angered.

Harry looked up, startled, at his friend's loud voice. In front of him, Ethan looked slightly annoyed.

Instead of arguing, Harry removed himself from Ethan's arms, then took a big step back.

He smiled a small, neutral smile at Ethan.

In response, Ethan's lips twitched in what he hoped was a reassuring manner.


Harry whined, his arms wrapped around Josh from behind, his head buried in his neck.

Josh chuckled as he reached both arms up to grab Harry's wrists, his thumbs rubbing soothing lines across them.

"Bro, what the fuck are you doing." JJ's face portrayed disgusted confusion, his head twitching from side to side as he spoke.

Harry laughed nervously, tugging his wrists from Josh's grip and unwrapping his arms.

Josh's eyebrows furrowed sadly, a frown falling into place as he held back from reaching for his friend.

JJ shook his head, sending an incredulous look to the camera before walking off, feeling a little better.



Harry jumped as Tobi ran out from behind a door, having clearly been hiding from someone. From Harry, maybe.

Since JJ was with him, stood so close to him, he'd turned towards the older and threw his arms around his neck, with JJ facing another way. Harry had plastered himself to JJ's side in his fright, and JJ didn't look to be in a rush to move.

Instead, he wrapped his arms around his love's waist, aiming a glare at Tobi as he did so.

Tobi awed, looking a little guilty as he spotted Harry, gripping tightly at JJ.

A loud, blaring siren reached their ears, a signal for Tobi and his team to head back to the base. They were needed for something, clearly.

He took off at a run, down the way Harry and JJ had just come from. As he passed the two, he placed a delicate comfort kiss on Harry's cheek.

The kiss made JJ tug Harry a little closer to his body, which surprised Harry.


"Harry, if we do this, you gotta stop."

Harry blinked at JJ, bewildered. Stop what?

"Gotta stop what?"

JJ shook his head, a tiny scoff slipping past his lips.

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