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We went from a car, to a plane, then back to a car, and at no point in that journey did any of us get even a single clue as to where we were going. I didn't even know what state we're in anymore, if we are even still in the US? When the car finally stopped we heard the engine shut off and the drivers door slam shut. Why does every freakin door have to slam!? Haven't people heard of simple closing the door?

"Get out" A husky male voice said as the sliding door was thrown open.

Riley and Eric got out first, then Carson, then me. Of course, being my clumsy self, I lost my footing and fell into Carson's chest as I got out. He caught me with ease and I watched as a mixture of hurt and anger flooded Eric's eyes. I wonder what his story is?

"Follow" The man said, closing the door before walking towards a small house.

There was absolutely nothing for miles, just trees and bushes. Great, we don't even know where we are and there's nothing to even hint! We all walked into the house and there was a couch in the middle of the front room.

"Sit" The man said.

We did as we were told, considering we were all exhausted none of us were willing to argue. I sat in between Riley and Carson with Eric on Riley's other side. The man with the short demands left and a guy with a hood walked into the room.

"The boss is not here right now so you will all stay here until he arrives. Can I get you anything to eat while you wait?" The man asked, his voice was higher than the first mans but still deep.

"Are you serious?" Riley asked.

"You're feeding us?" Eric asked, shocked.

"Of course, this is a safe place" The man said nodding.

"What is there to eat?" Riley asked.

"Follow me" The man said, gesturing towards the door he walked in from.

We stood up, leaving our things on the couch, and followed him into another room. It looked to be a kitchen and a living room. Someone must live here, "the boss" probably. The man walked to the fridge and opened it before stepping away. We all hesitated but he nodded and we attacked. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until I saw a fridge full of food, waiting there.

We all took as much as we could before going back to the couch and sitting down. Eric and I took the floor while Riley and Carson stayed on the couch. Everyone put their food in the middle of us all and just dug in. Now that I think about it, I don't remember the last time we ate. I don't even know what day it is. How long have I been gone? It feels like maybe a month but I can't be sure.

"Excuse me?" I asked, turning towards the man.

"Yes?" He asked.

"What day is it?" I asked.

"The 12th" He replied.

"Of what month?" I asked.

"June" He said.

June!? I was kidnapped back in March! It's been three months and no one found me!? I glanced at Carson and his jaw was on the floor. Riley and Eric mirrored him and I'm sure I did too. How could we have been hidden that well? For that damn long!? How did no one think to even look in the house? My thoughts were interrupted as the door was thrown open and two people walked through. Two men, it's always men.

"Sorry for the wait" An extremely familiar voice said.

I looked at the one who had talked and he screamed out "you know me" even though I couldn't see his face. I turned fully around and just looked at him, trying to figure out just who he was.

"What's wrong?" Carson whispered into my ear.

"I swear I know him" I said.

"I hope you weren't here too long" The second man said.

I didn't recognize his voice but he seemed older than the first one. They both sat down and took off their hoods, my eyes went anime sized and my jaw hit the floor as I looked into the eyes of the familiar guy.




Boom update! I love reading all your comments! You guys just have a way of making shitty days better. So in honor of you all, here's your update. You wanted Tyler back so here he is!!

I hope you liked it, it kinda sucks so sorry. Next chapter will be much better I promise. I love you my penguins! I'm almost to 5k!!!!!

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