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| Ariana |

We walked into probably the third store and I didn't realize how much I had missed shopping. Carson was probably exhausted but he didn't show it.

"I'll make this quick" I promised as I walked towards the racks of clothes.

He nodded and followed close behind; I know he's paranoid, I can tell by the way he glances around everywhere. I kept my promise and we were soon walking out of the shop, heading back home.

"You okay?" I asked Carson.

I get it that he's worried but his paranoia has reached a new level, he's fidgeting now.

"Don't you have that like, gut feeling that something's wrong?" He asked.

"Always, but what do you expect when we're running from our kidnapper?" I asked.

"It's not just that, it's something else but I can't put my finger on exactly what is off" He said, thinking aloud.

"Cars, it's okay, don't worry we're fine" I assured, but in reality I was scared to death; I've had that feeling worse than ever today.

We got home and I heard noises coming from the living room, we stopped dead in our tracks and Carson silently shut the door. We looked at each other with that what the hell look on both our faces. He put one finger up and stepped in front of me before we walked towards the noise. Of course it was just Tyler and Adam shouting over a game.

"You idiots!" I shouted.

"Ari!" Tyler shouted.

"Gave me a damn heart attack!" I scorned.

"I'm sorry" Tyler said as he bear hugged me.

I should've been ready for it but I wasn't, his bear hug tackled me right to the ground.

"Get off me fat-ass" I shouted in between my laughs.

"Never!" Tyler shouted, not budging.

After a few minutes of trying to shove him off me he finally gave in and stood up, I sat up trying to catch my breath and Carson pulled me to my feet. I thanked him before turning my attention back to Tyler, but he didn't have the same happy, excited expression on his face. He wore one of worry and fear.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"We need to talk" Adam said with a serious tone.

"Okay, what's up?" I asked.

Tyler stepped forward and grabbed my hand before pulling me towards the couch, Carson followed and we all sat down across from each other with Carson by my side.

"Everything alright?" Carson asked.

"Well you know we weren't supposed to come this early, but we didn't have a choice" Adam explained.

"What do you mean you didn't have a choice?" Carson asked.

"We were packing everything up when we heard something break, I went to check it out and Derrick had broken into our house. We barely made it out without being either captured or killed. He's coming and we need to get out of here before he finds us again" Tyler explained.

My lungs failed, I couldn't breath. It feels like someone disconnected my lungs from the rest of my body. He's coming, as if taking me twice wasn't bad enough now he wants to make it a third?! Why can't he just leave me alone?

"Ariana! Ariana breath!" Someone yelled as I felt myself being shook.

I opened my eyes to see Carson above me with his hands on my shoulders, I didn't even realize I had fallen on the floor. I tried to breath but I couldn't seem to find any air.

"Guys back up" Carson said as he moved to the side of me.

He picked me up and just hugged me, without a second thought I moved so I could wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face in his chest. I could feel my entire world crashing around me, this cannot be happening again. As the tears free fell from my eyes a loud bang echoed through the apartment. All our eyes met and Adam was the one to whisper into the silence.

" He's here" He said.

We all jumped to our feet as someone came into the room. It was Derrick and Eric. But Maria was no where to be found.

"Well this just got easier, I didn't expect you to all be dumb enough to stay together but I guess I was wrong" Derrick chuckled as I stepped forward.

As he walked past the light I noticed something gleam in his hand, my breathing hitched as I leaned towards Carson.

"H-he has a g-gun" I stuttered, still barely able to breath.

"Why yes, yes I do have a gun Ariana, thank you for pointing that out" Derrick smirked as he raised the pistol in the air.

Carson's hand found mine and held it tight, pushing me behind him.

"What do you want?" Adam growled as he shot daggers at Derrick.

I've never understood why Adam hates Derrick so much but this is definitely not the time to think about that.

"I'm here for her, I've worked to hard to get her to let you all just take her like that" Derrick said, pointing the gun towards me, even though his finger wasn't on the trigger I jumped.

"They didn't take me! I left!" I shouted, losing my breath right after I finished.

"Oh honey, after our amazing time together I know better than to believe that" Eric smirked.

My mouth dropped and I didn't even have time to react, Carson let go of my hand, lunged forward, and punched him square in the jaw. Eric rubbed his jaw and smirked at Carson with an evil gleam in his eyes.

"Awe, did I hit a nerve? You think she likes you? Why would she ever like you, she doesn't know what you did does she?" Eric asked.

"What is he talking about?" I asked.

"Oh she doesn't" Eric smirked.

"Shut the hell up" Carson growled.

"No I think the lady has a right to know" Derrick agreed with Eric.

"Carson what's going on?" I asked quietly.

"Nothing" He said nervously.

"Oh so she was nothing to you huh? Was she still nothing when you raped her and then left her to die? Or was she the world to you then? Is Ariana next?" Eric asked.

What?! I found myself stepping away from Carson, my back pressed against someone's chest and they protectively wrapped their arms around my waist, it was Tyler.

"Ariana it's not what it sounds like" Carson pleaded.

I couldn't speak, I couldn't breath, everything was falling apart before my eyes.

"I'll take her now" Derrick said, pointing the gun towards Tyler; his finger was on the trigger this time.

"Over my dead body" Tyler growled.

"Well, if you insist" Derrick shrugged.

In a matter of seconds I was thrown to the ground and two shots were fired. An ear splitting scream pierced through the room and it took a few seconds to realize it was mine. Tyler was hunched over clutching his stomach. This cannot be happening.

"Now, the girl" Derrick said, holding his hand out.

All I could see was red; Derrick took my parents, my brother, Maria, and now he wants Tyler too? I'm not letting him get away this time. I shot towards him and snatched the gun from his hands in a matter of seconds. Without thinking I aimed towards him and pulled the trigger with shaky hands. It was a kill shot, just for Eric.

[ a/n ]

New chapter! I told you it would be action filled! Yes, sadly the book is coming to an end IN THE NEXT COUPLE CHAPTERS. This is not the final chapter but it's coming up so be prepared.

What do you think is gonna happen to Tyler? And what about Ariana and Carson? Will they be able to make it or is this secret going to tear them apart? I can't believe I'm past 120k reads!! This is an insane feeling and I can't thank you all enough for helping me get here! Next chapter coming next week my penguin army!

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