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| Carson |

We finished our food and Adam insisted on paying the check, he wouldn't even split it. Once the check was paid for we stood up from our table and walked out of the diner, heading back to our hotel room. I tried to keep conversation, I really did, but I just felt so broken without her. It doesn't make any sense, me falling for her, but that's exactly what has happened and now I just want her back. Who knows what he's doing to her.

Yes, I know her kidnapper isn't proven, hell it isn't even proven that she was kidnapped! But I just know that she was and Derrick has something to do with it. I swear to god if he hurts her like he did last time I'll put a bullet through his head. But at least she has Tyler and Eric, so she's not alone. That thought made my stomach drop. Ariana, left broken and alone with two guys who would jump at the chance to replace me.

We got to our hotel and Adam said he had to run out and get food. I nodded and sat on the bed as I flipped on the tv. Once he left I went to the bathroom and sat on the floor, the cold tile made goosebumps show over my skin. I didn't care. I grabbed the razor off the side of the tub and began to take it apart. I haven't done this in almost two years, I think, but I need it right now more than I ever have. And that's saying a lot.

I tossed the plastic away and held four blades in my fingers. It's been a while old friends. I thought to myself as I twirled the lifeless pieces of metal between my fingers, deciding how far I'm willing to go. I pressed them all together, side by side, and pressed them to the outer edge of my left wrist dragging to the inner edge, leaving a crimson red line behind.

What the hell are you doing!?

Helping the pain

What would Ariana say if she saw you?

I froze and looked at what I had done, eight fresh bleeding cuts lined my wrists and I felt tears well up in my eyes. What had I done?! She's going to be devastated. She's going to kill me. Why did I even do this? I don't feel any better! I feel worse in fact! I threw the blades into the toilet and flushes them quickly before grabbing a towel and pressing it to my wrist. What the hell is wrong with me!? Things get a little tough and I break a two year clean streak!? I'm a fucking idiot, I deserve these cuts. Not as a way of releasing pain, but as a reminder to never do this shit again! I bandaged my wrist and began to think up a story for Adam.

I fell in the bath?

No I wasn't in the bath.

I slipped over something wet and fell?

No there's nothing wet, plus everything's carpet and the bathrooms too small.

I stood up and got tangled in blankets?

I guess that's believable.

Shut up with your pity and think of a plan to find Ariana!

Alright alright!

Maybe she's in the same place that was written down? Sure that'd be stupid on Derricks part but what other lead do we have? Adam walked through the door and I pounced.

"The place on the note!" I shouted.

"What?" He asked.

"We thought he would have lied about the place on the note, what if he wasn't and that's where she is?" I explained.

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