Thirty One

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| Ariana |

"Ari" Someone said.

"Five more minutes" I groaned.

"Ari wake up" The person said again.

"Go away" I groaned, rolling away from them.

"Ari!" They shouted quietly as they jabbed my side, making me jump awake.

"What?" I whined as I turned around.

At first I couldn't see anything, but one my eyes adjusted I saw Tyler sitting there with his arm through the bars.

"God you're as annoying as ever to wake up" He commented.

"Some things never change" I shrugged as I leaned my back against the wall.

"Good, now what are we going to do?" He asked.

"Give up? Accept defeat?" I shrugged.

"What the hell's wrong with you!?" He shouted.

"Well I'm sorry if I don't want to risk failure, you didn't see what happened" I said, remembering when that girl was killed for running away. Well trying.

"So we just sit here and wait for a savior? No!" He said, riled up now.

"Tyler be quiet" I warned.

"No! I will not be a fucking toy for him to do whatever he wants with" He protested.

"Tyler" I warned.

"No, he needs to know I will not just stand by and take this without a fight" He said.

"Tyler" I said.

"He needs to know that Tyler is a fighter and will be 'til the end" He said proudly.

"Will you shut the hell up!?" I shouted catching him off guard.

"Thank you. Now Derrick will kill you if you try to run away and he'll beat you almost to death if he even thinks you tried to fight back" I explained.

"She's right" A female voice said from across the room.

"Yes, very" A male voice said.

"He beat my sister to death right in front of me when she tried to call the cops" The girl explained.

"He broke my arm in the process" She added.

"He killed my parents as a way of getting back at me for trying to run" The guy explained.

"He'll do the same to you, if you don't listen" I added, facing Tyler.

"So we're just supposed to be like sitting ducks?" He asked.

"Yeah, pray that someone comes before he does" The girl said.

Tyler growled as he slumped his back against the wall, letting the top half of his head hit the wall as his eyes met the ceiling. I know Tyler hates this but it's the only way he's safe, I'd rather die than see him be hurt. As if they heard us, the door swung open and everyone went silent.

"He wants you" Eric said as he walked towards me.

I backed as far against the wall as I could, why can't I be invisible? Unfortunately he walked into the cell and threw me over his shoulder. His hand landed on my thigh, a little too close for comfort, but he seemed to have done it on purpose. He squeezed his hand as he walked up the stairs and I bit my lip hard, it's the only thing that keeps me from crying.

"Don't worry, I'll be back for you later" Eric winked as he set me down in a random red room.

He shut the door and I stood in the middle of the room, it looked like my worst fear.

"Welcome to casa de Derrick" Derrick said proudly as he walked into the room.

"Turn around" He said, closing the door behind him.

He was wearing a bath robe, and holding something in his hands that looked silver. I swallowed hard before just staying frozen in place.

"I said turn around!" He shouted, smacking me across the cheek.

I squeaked as my whole head jerked to the side from the impact. I did as I was told and turned around. Cold metal wrapped around my wrists and I felt a single tear fall down my cheek as his grimy hand wrapped around my waist.

"Don't worry dear, you'll enjoy this too" He said, with his lips on my neck.

I felt my whole body shake as one of his arms left my waist and went down to my leg. Why does this keep happening? Why me? I never did anything bad so what did I ever do to deserve this punishment? Everyone speaks of love and kindness, well where is mine?

|*| |*| |*|

Derrick finally left and I wrapped my shirt across my chest as I pulled my legs up to my chest with the blanket over my lap. I've been used, violated, and he doesn't even seem to care. What kind of fucked up person can do this to an innocent teenage girl without a morsel of regret?

"I told you I'd come back" Eric grinned evilly as he walked into the room.

I expected him to bring me back to the basement but when he closed the door behind him, I felt my whole body begin to shake again.

"Don't worry, I'm better than that old bat" He smirked.

He waisted no time, ripped my cover up away from me and bit his lip in delight, sick bastard.

"Don't be shy" He coaxed as he crawled closer to me.

Tears free fell as my entire body shook from fear. This cannot be happening. My kidnapper was one thing, but someone I thought of as almost a friend!? The universe has a sick sense of humor.

| a/n |

Happy Friday! How was your guys' weeks? Does anyone else have that one teacher they want to hit with a bus or is that just me?

Oh well. So here's the latest chapter and yeah, bet everyone wants to kill Eric now too huh?

Next chapter coming Monday! I wrote a lot so I'm ahead, that means updates on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for a while! Yay!

Anyways have a good weekend penguin army! Hope you like the book!

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