Fourty One

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"Holy shit!" Adam shouted in shock.

I was in shock too, I never thought I could hurt someone none the less kill them! Who has he turned me into?!

"He's dead but we need to go, now!" Adam said as he stood back up.

I hadn't even noticed Tyler had stopped moving, I was still staring as Eric's lifeless body. So was Derrick. I felt someone throw me over their shoulder and next thing I knew I was being thrown into the backseat of a car before it started up and speed away. I finally was able to focus and I saw that Carson was holding me against his chest.

"Don't put your damn hands on me!" I shouted as I shoved myself away from him and into the side of the car, ignoring the pain that shot up my arm.

"Ariana please, he didn't tell the whole story" He pleaded.

"So what he said was true?" I asked.

"Yes but there's more to it" He explained.

"I don't care! You raped a girl! I could've been raped again!" I shouted with tears free falling from my eyes; I didn't bother stopping them either.

"Please just listen!" Carson shouted.

"Carson!" Adam shouted.

"What?!" Carson shouted.

"Leave her alone! She just watched her best friend die damn it!" Adam shouted.

His words hit me like a mountain of bricks. Tyler's dead, I killed Eric, who am I anymore? The old Ariana would never even yell at someone, killing was out of the question and now here I am with blood on my hands and he wasn't even my target. I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my face as Adam pulled off the road we were driving on. I had no idea where we were going but he eventually stopped the car and both of the boys got out, Carson's door slamming shut.

"Come on" Adam said as he opened my door.

I looked at him with probably swollen eyes and his face fell. Without a word he pulled me into his arms and held me like Tyler used to. God I'm going to miss him so much. After a good three minutes I pulled away and noticed that Adam had been crying too. How could I be so damn selfish! Him and Tyler were really close and he watched him die too!

"I'm so sorry" I said, breaking the silence.

"Me too" He said.

I glanced around and noticed we were at a police station.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"To tell them about Derrick, it's time they found his ass and arrested him" Adam growled.

I nodded and hopped out of the car, Carson was no where to be found.

"Where's Carson?" I asked.

"I saw him walking towards town" He shrugged.

I nodded and shut the car door before following Adam into the station, unknowing if they would believe me or not considering the only proof I have is bruises.

"How can I help you two?" A lady asked as we walked into the station.

"Yeah we have information about a kidnapping" Adam said.

She straightened up and looked directly at us.

"Which one?" She asked.

"My name is Ariana, I was kidnapped after my family was killed and I want that bastard to be thrown behind bars" I stepped forward.

+ + +

"Is that all?" The cop asked as he sadly looked at me.

I swallowed hard and nodded.

"Where is this, Carson, you said was with you?" He asked.

"I don't know, he ran off" I said.

"I see, well for safety reasons we would like for you, Adam, and Carson, if he comes back, to stay in police protection. We would also like to run a rape kit and get pictures of the bruises if you're okay with that" He asked.

"That's fine" I nodded.

"Okay, Mrs. Leah will take it from here while we show Adam to where you will be staying" He said as he stood up.

I nodded once again and stood up before following him towards the door. The lady from the front desk was standing there and she smiled when she saw me.

"You ready?" She asked.

"Yeah" I said.

She smiled softly before turning around and walking towards another room, I noticed Adam walk into the hallway and he walked towards me.

"You alright?" He asked as he hugged me.

"Yeah, they just want some info from me before they let me go to the room" I explained.

"I got a hold of Carson, we're going to get him and I'll see you later. Are you okay here while I'm with them?" He asked.

"I'll stay with you until you're back with them" Mrs. Leah said.

"I think I'm good" I nodded.

"Good, stay safe Ari" He said, hugging me quick before following a couple cops out of the hall.

I turned back to Mrs. Leah and she led the way with me following close behind to where ever the tests and pictures were going to be done. They found Carson? Doing what? Is he alright? Why do I care? He's a rapist! Just like Derrick or Eric. At least one of them is gone. Gone... Tyler, James, Mom, Dad, Carson, everyone I held close, gone.

I collapsed to the ground and just cried my eyes out. Mrs. Leah tried to figure out what was wrong or calm me down but nothing was working. The only person who would be able to calm me down right now is dead, my brother will never be able to be there even though he's the one I need the most. So this is what it feels like to be dead inside, so have lost everything you care about. It feels so empty, is it even worth it to go on?

| a/n |

New chapter! Literally just finished this now! Hope you like it! The story will be ending soon so if there is anything that you want me to cover in the upcoming chapters just PM me and let me know.

145k! Holy crap I love you all so much!!! Thank you so much you amazing penguin army! 🐧 next chapter coming Wednesday.

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