Thirty Five

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| Ariana |

"Tyler?" Adam asked as Tyler glanced around the tree.

"Oh my god!" Tyler shouted quietly before leaving me and running to Adam.

"I thought you were dead!" Adam admitted as he hugged Tyler.

"Then what were you doing out here?" Tyler asked.

"Carson insisted on keeping hope" Adam said.

"Carson?" I asked quietly.

"Ariana! Oh thank god!" Carson shouted, running at me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

My arms went around his neck and I just hugged him like there was no tomorrow. He looked for me, he didn't give up. He's here.

"God I missed you so much" He said as he held me tight.

"I missed you too" I said, burying my face in his neck.

I felt like crying, but I had no more tears left. Everything had been taken by those assholes.

"We should get out of here before they notice we're gone" Tyler suggested.

"You're right" Carson nodded, still not letting me go.

I didn't want him to, its just something about being in his arms that makes me feel like I'm finally safe and nothing can hurt me.

He set me down but didn't move his arm from my waist, I moved closer into his side as Adam and Tyler led the way back to where ever they had stayed while they looked for us. A constant fear played in the back of my mind.

What if he finds us for a third time?

I already know if he finds us again he's going to do a hell of a lot more than throw us in a cell and leave us there.

Just thinking of him made a tear slip from my eye and roll down my cheek. Carson wiped it away with his thumb and leaned down to my ear.

"We'll talk when we get home okay?" He asked.

I nodded and he squeezed me lightly into his side. I need to tell someone, and I cannot tell Tyler. He would only blame himself for it, saying that if he hadn't trusted Maria then none of this would have happened. But Derrick has taken so much from me, there's no way I was letting him take Tyler too.

We walked up to a small house, similar to Derricks but a lot more homey feeling. We walked right in the back door and found ourselves in a living room. Adam closed and locked the door, I tensed up at the sound of the lock and Carson moved his arm down so that our fingers interlaced.

"It's okay, you're safe now" He promised.

I forced a smile on to my lips for his sake. No one knows what happened back there, I'll never feel safe again, there's nothing to lose anymore. Tyler's out of his reach for now and we just need to move as far away from here as possible.

"Tyler and I will arrange to leave immediately and fly somewhere far; Carson, you just take care of Ariana" Adam instructed.

Carson nodded and led me out of the room, going up the stairs. We walked into a medium sized room and I felt my heart beat begin to race, everything reminds me of what he did.

"I'm gonna take a shower and then we'll watch a movie or something, you alright here?" He asked as he walked towards the dresser.

"I'm fine" I lied.

"Okay, be right back" He said, kissing the top of my head before walking into the bathroom.

My back slid down the now closed bedroom door and once my knees hit my chest I broke down into silent sobs. Everything flooded back, from the first and second time he kidnapped me. The first wasn't nearly this bad even though the second was so much shorter. The first time he didn't full out rape me.

I hugged my legs and just cried like there was no tomorrow. I didn't even hear the shower turn off but I jumped practically out of my skin when a hand laid on my knee.

"Woah, woah, it's okay, it's just me" Carson soothed as my eyes shot to meet his.

I relaxed a little but couldn't calm myself down enough to stop the tears. He must have noticed my trying to stop because he lifted my chin so that our gazes met and wiped my cheeks with his hoodie sleeve over his hand.

"Don't try to stop, just let it out then tell me what's wrong" He said sweetly.

I broke, everything poured out of me. The mourning of my family, missing them so much, not being able to see James anymore ever again, Tyler being kidnapped because of me, rape, lost trust, everything. He just held me to his chest and ran his fingers through my hair as I sobbed into his neck.

"It'll be okay, you're safe now, I won't let anything hurt you anymore I promise" He soothed.

I wanted to believe him but I knew he couldn't promise that, who knows what Derrick will do when he finds Tyler and I gone. All I know is that we need to leave as soon as possible and before we do I want to leave a bullet in Derricks brain.

| a/n |

So she's back with Carson and Adam. Yay! But do you think that Derricks done hunting them?

I cannot believe how many reads this book is getting! You people are amazing!! And I love getting your messages. Sorry if I don't reply to your comments but I do read them, I just don't always reply.

But here is my mass reply:

Thank you so much and I'm so glad you guys like this book! The success of it makes me so freakin proud!

That's all for now penguins, happy Monday! Next chapter coming soon 🐧💙

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