Thirty Eight

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| Ariana |

"Are we there yet?" I whined as the radio played softly in the background.

"Almost" Carson replied without taking his eyes off the road.

I sighed and curled into a ball, turning my attention to the passing scenery. Just a green, brown, and blue blur. "Stay Away" by Falling in Reverse played softly in the background as we fell into a comfortable silence. After about another hour, Carson turned off the highway and into a somewhat small town.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Lakeside" He replied as we passed a sign that read,

Welcome to Lakeside
Population: 305

I looked around the the skinny, probably two story, apartment buildings. There were streets and streets of them with the occasional shop or restaurant here and there. Carson found a way into a good sized parking lot and parking in the first spot he found.

"Let's go find our apartment" He said, tossing me the keys.

I caught them against my stomach, wincing as my hand hit my skin. Luckily he was out of the car and didn't see, I don't want to worry him anymore. I got out next and by the time I closed my door, Carson was leaning against the back of the car with the bag in his hand.

"You ready?" He asked.

I nodded and he slipped his arm around my waist as we made our way back to the street. We looked at the keys and found the apartment number written on them, 309. I glanced at the number of the ones next to us and they were 285 and 286. We continued down the sidewalk, checking out the town as we looked for 309.

"Here it is" Carson said as he jogged up the steps, stopping at the door.

"They will be right there" He said, pointing to 310, the one next to ours that shared front steps to our apartment.

I nodded and put the key in the lock before turning it. When the door opened I walked into a fully decorated apartment. It was perfect with everything black, white, and red.

"I've got a surprise for you" He said as the door closed behind us.

"What?" I asked.

He took my hand and pulled me up the stairs. Memories of Derrick came to mind but I shoved them away, he will not ruin my happiness. When we got to the top of the stairs he stopped and pulled me in front of him before putting his hands over my eyes.

"Really?" I asked.

"Just shut up and walk" He chuckled.

I did as he instructed and took slow steps forward with his guidance. He stopped and I put my hands over his.

"And now!" He shouted before taking his hands off my face, not letting go of my hands.

I was faced with a purple and black painted room complete with a metal headboard bed, dark wooden tall dresser, two dark wooden nigh stands on either side of the bed, and a in-wall closet.

"It's perfect" I squealed as I snapped around to hug him.

"It's yours" He said.

"Really?" I asked excitedly.

"Of course, and I'm right across the hall" He said, gesturing towards the door in front of mine.

"Thank you for all of this" I said, pecking him on the lips.

"Of course, let me drop my things in my room and then we'll leave for your shopping" He said, kissing my cheek before walking into his room.

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks but luckily his back was to me so he couldn't see the effect he had on me. Wow I need to get myself under control.

"I'll meet you downstairs" I called out to him.

"Sounds good" He said back.

I skipped down the stairs and into the kitchen, opening the fridge as I reached it. As I popped open the Coke can the doorbell rang.

"I got it" I shouted.

I walked to the door, unaware of what it held for me. But when I opened it I found myself shutting it just as quick.

"Ariana please open the door!" Maria pleaded.

"Go away!" I shouted.

How did she even find me? I thought we were safe.

"Ariana please" She repeated.

"Leave!" I shouted but my voice cracked under the pressure.

"Please let me explain" She asked.

"I don't ever want to see you again" I said sternly.

"Please it's not what you think" She pleaded.

I don't know why or what my reason was for even thinking of it but I opened the door and was faced with who I thought was my best friend.

"Explain" I said coldly.

"Can I come in?" She asked.

"No, explain" I repeated.

"Who's there?" Carson asked as he walked down the stairs.

He walked up to the door and his expression went from cheery to stone in less than a second. He pushed me behind him and wrapped his hand firmly around mine.

"How did you find us?" He asked.

"Can I please just come in and explain?" She begged.

He debated it for a little bit before sighing and stepping to the side with me still behind him. When she tried to step into the house he grabbed the top of her shirt and pulled her face just in front of his.

"If anyone tries to hurt her, I'll slit your throat" He warned.

Her eyes went wide and she swallowed hard before nodding quickly. He let go and she stumbled away from him as he closed the door behind her. We all walked into the kitchen and sat around the high top table, Carson against my side while Maria sat across from us. I have to practically hold him back by his hand.

| a/n |

So here's the chapter finally! Sorry that I had to switch my update days but testing is a lot with the updates.

If you didn't see my post it's just saying that instead of three days a week updates I will be updating every Wednesday. I may or may not be doing this into the summer, it will be depending on my schedule.

Next chapter coming next Wednesday, don't worry the stories not over yet my penguins 😊🐧

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