Forty Three

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| Ariana |

I cuddled against the wall as I tried to hide my arm from him. He doesn't care, he wouldn't do what he did if he was a caring person.

"Ariana, turn around" He said, trying to sound tough but I could tell by the way his voice cracked that he was scared.

"No" I replied.

"Please?" He asked.

Please!? Like that will get me to turn around? Maybe it will! I snapped around to face him and made sure my arm was behind me as I shot to my feet.

"You happy now?! You can see what you've done to me! That poor girl you raped, yeah she affects me too asshole! And you didn't even think to tell me about it? Was I supposed to be your next victim or something because let me set one thing straight! I'm not a victim anymore I'm fighting!" I ranted.

I expected him to be angry or sorrow filled but instead he was staring at my leg with horror in his eyes. Oh shit.

"Leave" I said, now it was my voice that cracked.

"Why?" He asked.

"Leave" I repeated.

"No! Why did you do this?!" He shouted as he grabbed my hand, pulling my now cut up arm in front of me.

I flinched as I saw what I did, I hadn't even realized how bad I did it. I stayed silent though, I don't owe him a damn thing.

"Ariana!" He shouted, pushing my chin up so our eyes met.

His looked angry but caring. Bullshit! He's just feeling guilty, good. He should. He broke my heart into a million pieces. I thought I knew him but holy shit was I wrong.

"Leave!" I shouted.

"I'm not leaving! Not again!" He said.

I wanted to be mad, I wanted to yell, but I just fell to my knees again and broke down.

"Crap, Ari don't cry" He said as he wrapped his arms around me.

I couldn't stop. Everyone's gone, and where is Adam? Is he okay? How long would an interview take? I guess thinking of other things calmed me down because Carson moved around to face me.

"You alright?" He asked.

I shook my head and he sighed. I felt my breath hitch again and my heart beating out of my chest. No! I cannot be having an anxiety attack! I do not even have that bad of anxiety! Before it got too bad Carson's lips were pressed against mine. It felt like home but I knew this home was broken beyond repair. As his lips molded with mine I thought of that girl he raped and he backed away.

"You alright now?" He asked.

"No!" I shouted.

"Oh" He frowned.

"You can't just kiss me and think everything's solved! This isn't the movies and this isn't a fairytale! This is real life and a kiss won't fix anything!" I shouted.

"Ariana just calm down" He pleaded.

"Calm down? No! I will not be calm when I'm in the same room as a rapist!" I shouted.

"Will you shut the fuck up about that?! You don't even know the whole God damn story so stop acting like I'm some horrible person!" He shouted.

I was about to say something back when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Carson shouted.

I hid my arm as the door opened and a cop walked in.

"We found Derrick" The cop said.

"That's good!" Carson shouted.

"But he found Adam first" He said.

+ + +

"Where is he?" I asked as I ran into the lobby of the hospital.

"Name?" The lady asked, not even glancing at me.

"Adam, he was just brought here by the police" I said quickly.

"Yes, you can't see him right now, he's in critical condition" She said, reading off the computer.

Critical condition!? This is all my fault.

"Isn't there a way I can at least see him?" I asked.

"From the hallway yes, but no further" She said.

"Which room?" I asked.

She read off the room number and I sprinted for the elevator. Almost forgetting Carson was following, not by my decision. I hit the level and the doors slid closed. And cue the awkward silence. I swear I could cut the tension with a knife. The doors opened and I ran down the hall until I found the room she told me. I saw Adam laying down, bandaged, bruised, broken, and probably dying. And it's all my fault.

"Oh my god" I said as my hands covered my mouth.

"You must be Ariana?" A doctor asked as he walked towards me.

"Yes" I nodded.

"I'm doctor Andrew, they said you'd be coming. Are you his girlfriend?" He asked.

"No, just a close friend" I corrected.

"Alright, well he was shot in the head but luckily it missed and just skidded across the top of his head, he was also shot in the shoulder and side. Whoever was after him really wanted him dead" He informed.

It's all my fault; chanted through my head.

"He lost a lot of blood and is currently on the brink of a coma but we can't be sure if he will slip into one or just pass" He said, brutally honest.

I swallowed hard, Adams possibly going to die. Another persons blood on my hands. Not directly but still.

"What are his chances?" Carson asked from behind me.

"Not good" Andrew said.

My knees buckled but two arms wrapped around my waist and stopped me from hitting the floor. I couldn't see who it was but they set me in a chair and yelled for some water.

"It'll be okay, he'll make it" Carson coaxed.

I wanted to believe but I couldn't. What if he's not? That's just another person I've lost because of Derrick. He may be behind bars but I want him six feet under.

Adam passed away at 10:28pm that night due to his ribs collapsing.

| a/n |

And there goes Adam, what's gonna happen next? I'll probably update on Wednesday but HAPPY SUNDAY! Yes a quicker update because schools almost out and I'm trying to finish the book by summer. Two more weeks. Summer 2015 I'm comin for ya!

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