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Why was he on his phone? Is he M? Why would he even want to be M?

All these questions swirled through my head and just made it ache. It can't be Tyler, I don't want to believe it could be Tyler. He's my best friend, he wouldn't do this to me. I shook the thoughts out of my head and put my headphones in. I just need to clear my mind. Of course I'm going to think everyone is against me, who wouldn't?

I grabbed my bag from the floor and walked down the stairs. James and I have decided to go away for the weekend, this house is too much for us.

"Ready?" James asked.

"Yeah let's get out of here" I nodded tossing my bag into his trunk.

He closed the trunk and we got in his car. We had already worked out the music so I get to pick! "Drown" by Bring Me The Horizon blasted through the speakers of the car and I sang along as James pulled out of the driveway.

"What doesn't kill you, makes you wish you were dead, got a hole in my soul, growing deeper and deeper, and I can't take one more moment of this silence, the loneliness is killing me, and the weight of the worlds getting harder to hold up" I sang out closing my eyes tight.

The music has been my savior through this hell. I wish M would never have picked me to be his victim. Life would be so much easier and I'd still have my parents.

James and I decided to go to the beach house for the weekend. It's good because it'll be just James, me, and the ocean, for a whole weekend. What more could we ask for. I brought my speaker too so that on the beach we can listen to music and just have fun. It's on a private beach that no one uses this time of year anyways. My phone vibrated and I looked down to see a text from Tyler.

Have fun this weekend, text when your back so we can have a movie night :)

His text read.

I will, see you soon!

I sent back. I locked my phone and just focused back on the music. Nothing is going to ruin this weekend for me. There's nothing else to take from me but Tyler and James, that's not gonna happen any time soon either. James hasn't been out of my sight and Tyler can protect himself. No one in their right mind would fuck with Tyler unless they have a death wish.

We got to the beach house in no time and James parked the car in the garage. We unpacked his trunk and set an hour just for us to settle in and get unpacked. I blasted "Devil In The Mirror" by Black Veil Brides as I unpacked my suitcase.


"Ariana dinners ready" James called down the hall.

"Coming" I shouted back.

I turned off my music and walked out of my room towards the little dining room. It's not a big beach house but at least it's on the beach. Small or not I've always loved coming here.

I walked into the kitchen to smell James' not yet famous chicken and rice. It smelled amazing to say in the least. I sat down as he set down two bottles of Coke.

"Smells amazing Jay" I said twisting my fork between my fingers.

"Thanks, I hope it's tastes as good as it smells" He said picking up his fork.

"It always does" I said taking a bite.

I was right, it tasted amazing. I ate every bite and even went for seconds, it was just that good. James should be a chef 'cause he's a damn good cook.

"I'll do the dishes since you cooked" I said standing up and taking our empty plates to the counter.

"Sounds good, we should get to bed so we can get to the beach an catch the best waves" He said kissing the top of my head.

"I will, see you tomorrow Jamey" I said turning on the sink.

"Goodnight A" He said before leaving.

I grinned and did the dishes as quick as possible. Even though we didn't do much I was still exhausted. Life is just a burden right now. I finished the dishes and dried my hands with the towel as I walked towards the back curtains. James left them open as usual and my mom normally closes them, so I'm doing it now.

I walked to the window and noticed him standing outside with a camera in his hands. I covered my scream with my hand and yanked the curtains shut. How does he know where we are!? No one knows where the beach house is but my family! Well, my family and Tyler...

~+~ ~+~


HAHA CLIFTHANGER! I still can't believe this book is 30 away from 200 reads already!!! I love you all and thanks for the comments.

Schools been busy as hell this week along with some other stuff (guys are confusing af) but I'll try to update soon! I can probably work a lot on it tomorrow so I'll try and get as much done as possible.

Next update ASAP!!!

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