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"Ariana, Ariana wake up" Carson's voice said as I was shaken.

"Go away, five more minutes" I groaned.

"Will you just get up" He chuckled.

"Why?" I whined as I rolled over.

I first noticed him, on his knees next to me, then I saw the two boxes behind him.

"I woke up and found these" He said, standing up.

"They're the clothes I think" I said, sitting up.

Yes, I can finally sit up. The stomach wounds weren't that bad, just some bruises. It's the shin ones that are still really bad. My left is worse than my right.

He shoved the boxes towards me and I caught them before he helped me open them up. The first thing I saw was the hoodie I ordered. I smiled and set it on my lap. We pulled out all the clothes and I handed Carson the clothes I got for him.

"What are these?" He asked.

"A thank you, for helping me" I said.

He smiled and pulled me up to my feet before wrapping his arms around my waist and hugging me tight.

"That's what friends are for" He said.

"I'm glad I have a friend" I said.

I'll admit, at the beginning I wasn't so sure about a friend. I didn't want to have to protect someone else. But I never thought it would just be someone there to help you when you're down. We separated our stuff into two different boxes before someone burst through the door.

"Get your shit, your leaving" He boomed through the room.

At first we were confused, he's letting us go? That's just too good to be true. But look at everything so I guess we are.

"Now!" He shouted and we scrambled to our feet.

I threw my iPod and stuff into the box and carried it out of the room. He stopped us and threw two duffle bags. We quickly transferred out stuff into that and followed him out of the house. We left with an older guy, about 19, and a girl about 13. We were all loaded into the back of Derricks truck, on the flat bed, and then blindfolded.

"What?" The girl asked confused.

"Why are we blindfolded?" Carson asked.

"Rules" Derrick replied coldly.

He blindfolded me next and then I couldn't see anything so my other senses were heightened. The door slammed shut before the engine started up and I felt my hands start to shake. Where is he taking us? What's going on? What if he's going to hurt us?

"Carson?" I asked quietly.

"I'm here" He said, slipping his hand in mine.

I felt myself calm slightly knowing I didn't have to face this alone but the other part of me was freaking out to no end. He only took four of us away from the house, I know for a fact there's way more than four. So what does he want with just us? And why us four?

The car stopped and the door slammed again, reflexes made me jump right into Carson's side. His arm went around my waist and I tensed up. I've never had someone this close to me before besides James and Tyler. James, Tyler. God I miss them so much. Tears welled up in my eyes and I blinked them away. I cannot cry.

"Blindfolds off" Derrick demanded.

I untied mine and took it off my face only to see we are in a parking lot. I noticed the boy and girl sitting across from us start to get their things so I did the same. We all were unloaded from the car and a man walked out of the building wearing all black and holding four bags.

"Pass these out and have them waiting in ten" The man instructed, handing Derrick the bags before walking away.

Derrick rolled his eyes and tossed the bags to each person. I barely caught mine but I got a grip before it hit the ground.

"Follow me" Derrick said before walking away.

We trudged along behind him with me still limping. I tried to keep up but Derrick was too fast.

"Hey, take it easy with your leg" Carson whispered as he slowed down to my pace.

I nodded and we walked into the building, making an immediate right. We walked up some stairs before Derrick stopped in front of a door.

"This is goodbye, change and then wait instructions" Derrick said.

I followed everyone into the room but not before Derrick managed to grab my ass and squeeze. I jumped slightly and ran into Carson's back.

"Sorry" I mumbled.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah" I nodded.

He nodded back and the door slammed shut causing me to jump again. Wow I'm paranoid.

"It's okay, I won't let anyone hurt you" Carson assured.

I smiled bleakly but I couldn't help the thoughts that flooded my head. He won't always be there to do that. I looked in the bag to see barely any clothing in there. Do they expect us to wear this. Of course as if on a cue a man walked in the room. As the light hit the dim room I noticed a good ten other people with us. Six girls and four boys, not including the ones who came with us.

"Change into the clothes in your bags. You may only wear the clothes in the bags and you must wear all the clothes in the bags" He instructed before leaving.

"He's joking right?" A girl said.

"Are we sluts now or something?" Another girl said.

"Just shut up and do it before we get hit" A guy said.

For once I was extremely glad for the lake of light. I've never had very much confidence in my body and this is no time for that to change. The clothes were a pair of daisy duke jean shorts, a tight cropped short sleeved shirt, Tom like shoes, lace bra, and lace panties. I didn't fully understand the undergarment part but I didn't want to over think it. Over thinking will make me more paranoid.

"Ariana?" Carson's voice asked quietly.

"Right here" I cracked.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"No" I said honestly.

The others were talking to luckily we weren't paid much attention. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and I broke down. My arms went around his neck and I just cried into his chest.

"I'm so sorry Ari" He repeated.

I couldn't calm myself down. When he hugged me it reminded me of James and how much I missed his hugs. Carson luckily didn't seem to mind my break down, or at least he wasn't showing it. I couldn't be more thankful for his understanding, I don't know how far I would've made it without him. He was right, it's nice having a friend to keep by your side.


Finally an update! I know it's been a while but I've had writers block for the longest time. I wanted to make this chapter long and I think I did pretty good.

Thanks for 2k reads! I love you all so much and I can't believe how many people read this book. Its truly insane but I couldn't love my penguins anymore for it. Next chapter coming soon!

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