Thirty Two

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| Tyler |

I don't even know how long it's been, but it feels like forever. Eric took her out of the room so long ago, I hope she's okay. But the worst part is that she won't even tell me if she's not. She's strong and that's one thing I love and hate about her. I wish she'd open up and show me how she's really doing with all this going on.

"Hey you" The guy from earlier said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"That girl you're with, what's her name?" He asked.

"Um, Ariana, why?" I asked cautiously.

"I was here before with her, you're not the same guy are you?" He asked.

"You mean Carson?" I asked.

"Yeah, I saw them together a lot. They were roommates in fact, I believe" He said.

"I heard that" I nodded, even though he couldn't see me.

"He saved her life you know, she would have bled out if it weren't for him" He informed.

"What do you mean? Why would she have bled out?" I asked quickly.

"She wasn't speaking from third person when she said he'd beat you almost to death" He explained.

I went silent. I was at a loss for words. This asshole almost killed her and she wants to protect me over herself? The sweet, innocent girl who I called my best friend, has changed into a broken and guarded one now. At the hands of him. I want him dead.

"Has he done anything else?" I asked through clenched teeth.

"Yeah, but it's not my place, I thought she would have told you" He said.

"Nope" I said, popping the -p.

"Will you both shut up!" A girl shouted from the side of the room.

"Sorry" The guy said, dragging out the -o.

We fell into silence except for the occasional rustling when someone would lean against the bars. Was it this bad for her last time? Was it worse? And where is she? It's been a while since I've seen her, not even a sign of what's happening to her was left either.

| Ariana |

"I'll be back later, you're not bad at this stuff, I quite enjoyed it" Eric said, smirking evilly.

You bastard!

My mind shouted how sick and perverted he was but my mouth kept silent in fear of what he would do to me. Even though I'm pretty sure he can't manage anything worse than he's already done. He left the room, closing the door behind him. Once again I searched for my shirt without moving my lower body. It was thrown on the floor on the other side of the nightstand. Of course.

I crawled over to it, ignoring the burning pain I felt, and grabbed it off the floor. I got back to the bed and just covered myself up as best I could, using the shirt and the blanket. Someone knocked on the door and I looked at it, terrified of what was in store for me now. To my surprise, Maria walked through the now open door holding a bag.

"Change into this, you'll be brought back to the basement when you're changed" She informed.

I nodded and she turned to walk away, but I had a question that needed to be answered.

"Maria! Wait!" I shouted.

"Yeah?" She asked, surprised.

"Why?" I asked.

"What?" She asked.

"Why did you do this? I trusted you" I asked, pain in my voice.

"You wouldn't understand" She said, shaking her head as her feet met the ground.

I went quiet, she couldn't even tell me the reason she betrayed me and helped Derrick kidnap me? I guess our friendship meant nothing to her, good to know. She turned to leave again and I didn't stop her. Once the door closed I opened the bag and found a pair of leggings and a sweater, I just about broke into tears. The sweater was Carson's.

I had packed it for while we were looking for Tyler, that's probably the exact reason why they chose it. I changed into the clothes and there was a tank top to put on under the sweater. I slipped the tank top on and just hugged the sweater. It still smelled like Carson, god I miss him so much! But he's probably pissed at me for ditching him. He's probably just moved on and focused on a prettier and more normal girl now. He probably doesn't even think about me anymore.

| a/n |

Yay! New chapter! Happy Monday! How was ya'lls weekend? So the three days a week updates are working well so far.

For those of you wondering, I'm probably not going to end the book until like chapter 40-45ish. Maybe more, I'm not sure yet. It all depends on how far I can get this story to last. I will not be making a sequel though because the second is never as good as the original plus I'm terrible with sequels. ~ If you've read any of my older books you know that for sure 😂 ~

Anyways so that's all for this chapter. Next update coming Wednesday and don't forget to read my other book, "Falling Blind."

Have a good day penguin army

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