Aaron Ramsey: Heart Beats

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Maybe it's cliche, and maybe you'll think that I'm lying when I say this, but Aaron Ramsey is my friend, and by friend I mean my friend I wish would ask me out already! It may be the most cliche, over used, and typical story of all eternity, but that's exactly how it is.

Aaron is successful as all hell, he gets pretty much any girl who's willing to overlook his Arsenal roots, you know some London rivalries are just too much for some people. Most girls don't care that he's a footballer. They probably don't even know who he is, or how to even kick a football.

At least that's the type of girls Aaron usually wants to date. Maybe date is a bad word, I don't think there's been a single girl in the last year and a half that has been an actual girlfriend. They're more of one night stands. But, they're always classy. The whole at least one date, and then "we're just not right for each other."

That's the same bullshit line Aaron uses on every girl. Then, he comes back to his apartment and makes me listen to his tales of his dates and what they do, or what a girl did that really ticked him off this time. I really lost count how many damn times he's called me while I was asleep to tell me I had to go to his house. It was dire.

And every time, I believed him. I always got trapped at his home, it's really not fair. I'm not sure I would be Aaron's choice to call in a real emergency. But, if I was, and I ignored his plea, I'd be a mess forever.

I don't know why I'm still friends with Aaron? I mean I adore him loads... But at some time your heart just wants to be loved back so much that it's always reminding you.

Every single beat. Your heart just doesn't let you ignore your feelings. And mine was using my near desperate crush on Aaron to ruin my life. It's beats just filled my body with sorrow. It makes me feel like utter shit in all honesty. So while he's ranting about what he didn't like about some random girl for the third time in a night, I just have this heart beat that won't go unnoticed. And it hurts like a bitch, let me tell you.

It makes itself known. A heart filled with sorrow and even with my massive crush, I still feel remorse for Aaron and his way too high standards. Sometimes, when Aaron finishes talking about the girl, there's a brief silence. Aaron's probably racking his mind for more complaints, while I'm wishing I was the girl he was talking about.

Even if he was complaining. At least I would know then we would never work. But still, in those silences, I always am afraid that Aaron can hear my heart beat. It's that loud. It's filled with that much love for a man who may never return it.

That's all that went through my brain tonight as I drove from my apartment to Aaron's. His is so much nicer than where I live. The view is gorgeous and it almost makes it alright to drive there. Once I wake up after that long night of Aaron's torture, I'm always able to look out the window and see a view of something that takes my breath away. And luckily, it's finally something that isn't Aaron.

"Olivia!" Aaron widely smiled as he opened his door.

He didn't even have to look to see who I was. He knew. Who else was knocking at his door at 1:32 am?

"Aaron." I nodded.

"You sound like you are unpleased to see me." Aaron frowned.

"That's only one word to use for when I get calls from you weekly asking for assistance because you're in a "dire situation" and then you spend half the night complaining and then the next morning I sleep until two in the afternoon because I'm sleep deprived!" I complained.

"How are you mad at me? I'm in this fancy tuxedo! Who could be mad at me when I look this hot!" Aaron joked.

I cracked a smile and ran my eyes over his outfit. He may have been only trying to get me to smile by saying that, but he really did look so amazing. Any ounce of hatred for being woken up at an ungodly hour and then having to drive here just faded.

Instead an overwhelming need to take off that suit was lurking around, wanting for my brain to allow my actions to do just that.

I plopped on Aaron's bed, in all my years, nothing ever felt as comfortable as that moment. The moment where I want to sleep and his mattress and blankets are just so cozy, I never want to leave.

"Why are you wearing that still anyways?" I asked.

"I didn't really want to change. I wanted you to see how I looked. I figured it would save me from getting punched." Aaron shared with a giant smirk.

I rolled my eyes and sighed into his blankets. They smelt so much like him. I could lay here all day and enjoy the scent of Aaron Ramsey.

"So, you'll never believe this!" Aaron started.

He had come and sat next to me. His legs were stretched out next to me, and I rested my head on him since he was hogging his pillows for himself. He never allows me to use his pillows. It's actually so annoying. It's just a pillow! Why can't I use just one pillow?

Aaron went on about this girl, Jessica, who he went out with and embarrassed the crap out of him. She apparently couldn't handle being around so many football players in one room. She was harassing everybody, and by the end of the night Aaron pretended he didn't even know her. Jessica didn't even seem to notice. She was way too busy flirting it up with Alexis Sanchez.

Tonight's story was one of the more interesting ones. When I looked at the time it was 4:36. I wanted to cry that's how badly I wanted to sleep. But Aaron made sure he talked loud enough for me not to.

What a jerk.

"If you let me go to bed, I'll seriously do whatever you want." I pleaded.

"I'm not finished yet! I haven't even told you about what Walcott did yet!" Aaron whined like a child.

"But I'm tired and I've been here for three hours listening already." I whined back.

There was a brief silence.

"I'll do anything you want. As long as I can go to bed right now." I practically begged.

"If you go on a date with me on Saturday." Aaron said.

My heart stopped. It wasn't beating, or maybe it was and I was way too focused on his words. They played back in my head.

Does he mean a real date? Or just a friendly one?

"Me and you alone, we can go someplace nice where you can order the same thing you get from every restaurant we've ever been to. And we can do something cool afterwards, or romantic like go to the beach or something." Aaron offered.

I smiled.

"Can I have a pillow now?" I asked.

"That's a yes, right?" Aaron asked.

"Yes, now pillow." I told.

"No. I like when you fall asleep on me. It's cute." Aaron revealed.

And I smiled as I used every ounce of strength to pull myself up towards Aaron. I rested my head against his chest and smiled even more.

And for once my heart had that unnoticed beat because everything I wanted, was just achieved. Absolutely no emotion was left there except happiness. And that was something I could get use to feeling again.


Anywho, hope you enjoyed this Charlie! Sorry for the long wait and I hope it was worth it. Even though waiting sucks so it probably wasn't.

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