Jordi Alba: Speak Now

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I got to know you very well over the years. You were dating my friend, who quickly became my best friend. I think everybody found you attractive, but to me, you were my world.

After a fairly unsuccessful job interview, for the thrice time that week, you found me crying alone outside my friend's door. You wanted to see your girlfriend, and I wanted to talk to somebody who understood how tragic my life had become.

"What's wrong?" You had asked me.

I instinctively became extremely guarded and tried to get myself together, but I couldn't and though, I hadn't told you what was wrong, you sat next to me on the steps of her front door.

"You may not know this, but I consider you to be my friend, and I'm basically a philosopher when it comes to advice, bonita."

I think I laughed the hardest I have ever laughed while having a mental breakdown when you told me that. It was then that I realized my affection for you went further than finding you pleasing for my eyes.

For a few days after, I was around my best friend almost 24/7 and you were there too after you finished training, and I even got to accompany Marisa to one of your games. When you looked over to find you girlfriend, you winked at her and then when you saw me sitting next to the girl whom you proclaimed your love for, you smiled at me. Though I had just witnessed you wink at my best friend, I couldn't help the flutter in my heart.

I thought it was just a crush, something I could get over in a few days, after all you are Jordi Alba and thousands of girls wanted to be Marisa.

But, after you had consoled me, you had really started to be a consistent presence in my life. At one point, the three of us went mini golfing. We were completely overly competitive, taking the game way too serious, almost as if it were the U.S. Open. Marisa had gotten a phone call from her sister, who had started screaming and so, it was just you and I.

At first, it wasn't so weird. I was so focused on beating you I never thought of how cute you looked when you focused and stuck your tongue out of the side of your mouth. But, I accidentally putted my ball into the small pond which laid next to the course.

You laughed at me, and the laughter filled my ears with their own personal happiness. I sulked at the thought of having to get the bottom of my jeans wet, and as you continued laughing, I realized you weren't going to offer to get it for me. So, I had no choice, but what I wasn't expecting was for you to push me. I was completely soaked by the water.

So, I grabbed your ball and threw it into the water and when you went to retrieve it, I jumped on your back. For a guy who has grown men jump on his back during goal celebrations, you easily collapsed. We laughed and the game became much more fun, and although you ended up beating me by a measly point, it was the best time of my life.

Afterwards, I had driven you back to your home, during which you had told me your plans to play FIFA and then go to bed. I told you that I loved playing FIFA, and how it was the only videogame that I actually enjoyed. You invited me in for a quick game to see who was better.

We ended up playing together for nearly three hours. It was after midnight when you yawned and we realized how late it was. I fell in love with you that night.

Everything about you appealed to me. The simple way you smiled, and how you laughed at everything. I loved how you taught me how to play the game better despite competing against me a goal down. Or how every time the game said your name you would grin and sometimes giggle.

When I left, I couldn't get that smile of yours out of my mind. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever witnessed.

But, a month later, Marisa began to become suspicious of our friendship. We were close, and you invited me out to your matches even if Marisa wouldn't be there that day. She became skeptical of the way you laughed at every one of my jokes, and the way you looked at me, though it hadn't changed.

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