Cesc Fàbregas: Short and not so Sweet

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Annabelle placed her hand against the glass of the airport window. The day was foggy, unusual for Barcelona, but it matched her mood. Her boyfriend had just wheeled his luggage onto the plane and disappeared from her sight. Somewhere on that jet, he was sitting there, completely excited for his new journey, and maybe even a little heart broken to leave.

Drops of rain begun to stream down on the window, matching her eyes. Everything seemed to be falling apart. Just a few years ago, they had first met. They were twelve. Unaware of what life could throw their way, completely innocent, happy as any other twelve year old could be. They were both living their lives to the fullest. Typical popular kids, both beautiful humans, funny, and had caring parents.

Fast friends, quickly turned into lovers. At fourteen, they had begun dating. Annabelle had been tricked into thinking Cesc was into somebody else. She grew furious with jealousy. But, Cesc just wanted to see if she'd get jealous. He didn't know how else to tell if she liked him. But, he asked her out, and Annabelle smiled the beautiful smile Cesc had fallen in love with.

They said I love you, they had their firsts together. Now, at 16 and just a week shy of their two year anniversary, they were breaking up. Not because they didn't love each other anymore, but because distance is something nobody can conquer without having scars.

The jet slowly pulled away from the gate and Annabelle watched it down the runway, and into the air.

"Goodbye, amor." She whispered.

As Annabelle left that airport that day with her mom in toe, all she could think about is how wasted their love would become. They were undoubtedly soulmates, and all because of a game of football they were being separated. She knew she would never love anybody as much as she loved Cesc, and deep inside her, she hoped that Cesc would always love her the most. When you love something, you're suppose to let it go and if it comes back to you, it's yours. If it never does, it wasn't meant to be.

She didn't agree with this though, If you love something,why would you let it go? She'd much rather cuddle it in bed and watch television all day.


I dunno what I was sad about when I wrote this

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