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"Oooh, can you smell that?" Milah jokingly sniffed the air as we walked with linked arms down the hall. "Because I smell food," She chirped up, I could almost hear how ecstatic she was as well as the wide smile I could sense.

Milah and I were walking hand in hand on the way to the packhouse's monthly BBQ— and it happened to be on the week that I was visiting the Crimson Moon Pack.

Something told me that that may have been planned— very cheeky of you, Seb.

"Oh, I am so excited for this food I've been starving myself all day for this!" Milah yipped, almost hopping in her step as we continued down the hall and entering the living room.

I giggled, looking down at Milah for a second-- her being only inches shorter than I was obviously, though I wouldn't call myself tall with only being five feet six inches.

Milah was always a giddy person, and it was something I loved about her-- being around her all the time seemed to always boost my mood. 

I considered Milah one of my favourite and closest people in the pack, despite the fact that she was always spending her time with Fiona-- the pack's lead medic-- she always made time to see me during my Luna studies and I did the same for her. 

Ashe, Milah, I are basically the trio to be-- to toot my own horn. 

"Are you ready to see the pack though? It could be your future pack," Milah spoke in a sing-songy tone, nudging me slightly as we got closer to the back of the house which led to a large space of grass up until the entrance of the woods. I grumbled, rolling my eyes as I felt myself moving more sluggish. 

I wasn't thinking about meeting the residents of the Crimson-Moon Pack so soon and Milah mentioning to only filled my head up with everything that could go wrong-- what if they hated me? 

As self-absorbed as it sounded, I knew deep down that wouldn't be a problem but in my mind, I was simply making my own silly scenarios in my head as I feared that getting close to his pack would only make my decision harder. 

Everything was making my decision harder

Maybe coming to spend time with Sebastian wasn't the best idea. 

And I noticed that Milah sent me side-glance and I could almost smell the anxiousness off of her. 

"You know, forget I even mentioned it." Yes, I will. 

Soon enough, Milah and I were facing the BBQ through the glassed double doors of the back garden, our eyes scanning what we could see. 

The Lotus Pack had BBQ's every month which was much like this, so there was nothing surprising about what I was seeing, but it still made me smile everything I saw a pack enjoying themselves-- whether it was here or there. 

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