Twenty Two

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"Sebastian!" I called out, immediately running into the arms of my mates as soon as I laid my eyes on him

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"Sebastian!" I called out, immediately running into the arms of my mates as soon as I laid my eyes on him.  He stood outside of the packhouse watching for Tyla and I to return from the Lotus pack. 

The warriors followed behind us with Ashe still passed out in their arms. 

"Amelia, thank God!" Sebastian hollered as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I instantly felt the warmth coming off of his body as I pressed myself closer into his hold. Now with the wolfsbane drained from my system I could finally feel my wolf again-- and she was purring in delight while being at Seb's touch. 

I sighed in contentment as I nuzzled into his chest, however the content was quickly ripped away from me as Sebastian jolted me out of his arms. 

My eyes widened as I looked up at him, his eyes were glistering in rage.

"What the fuck were you thinking running away like that? Do you understand how stupid you were being?" His words made caused my brows to raise in shock. 

"Excuse me?" He looked down at me in irritation as he distanced himself from me. 

"What were you thinking running away to the Lotus pack like that?" He asked exasperated. 

I huffed, rolling my eyes before crossing my arms over my chest while I looked back up at my clearly irritated mate. "I don't run away technically, the pack left some kind of threatening note I couldn't just let that slide,"

"Yes, you could have," He retorted. "You could have at least told me, we would have gone to the pack together," I guess I may have not thought my actions all the way through.

Seeing that letter sent me into a frenzy, I wasn't thinking straight when I stalked my way to the Lotus pack's territory. 

I took a second to look over Sebastian's expression. As well as noticing that blatant irritation and rage that seemed to be dying in his eyes, I could also see the concern written on his face and there was even a slight glimpse of sadness. 

"I thought you had run away after our little argument," He grumbled, avoiding any eye contact with me. I immediately left awful, I hadn't thought about how my sudden disappearance may have affected the people around me.

I wasn't too used to someone as significant as Sebastian, I suppose I hadn't completely accepted the idea of having a mate. 

"I would never run away from you," I spoke without thinking, and I stepped forward to close the distance between Sebastian and I. I reached over to grab his hands which he thankfully accepted.

With our fings intertwined, I pulled him closer and tilted my head to look up at him.

"You wouldn't?" He asked and I pushed away from the obvious shock over his blatant distrust. I did just technically 'run away'  to the Lotus pack without so much as a note saying where I was going to be. 

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