Twenty Five

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"You look like shit," I heard through the common room and my head snapped up to see both Juliet and Tyla strolling through

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"You look like shit," I heard through the common room and my head snapped up to see both Juliet and Tyla strolling through. Juliet let out a small chuckle at Tyla's remark before slumping down on the couch beside me. 

She briefly scanned my face before letting out a light snort. "I wouldn't say it so blatantly rude like Tyla, but you've definitely seen better days," Juliet said, before reaching over to the coffee table and grabbing a random magazine. 

Tyla's face scrunched up as she watched her friend relax while reading her mag. "Who reads magazines nowadays? Just use Twitter," 

Juliet huffed and rolled her eyes before flipping through the pages. "I don't have Twitter," 

"You don't have Twitter?" Tyla spoke, seemingly gobsmacked by Juliet's lack of social media connections.  She scoffed, letting herself fall into an empty chair and hanging her legs over the armrest. "Every human in the world basically has an account," 

"Well good thing I'm not as mundane as a human," Juliet giggled slightly, breaking her attention from the pages to send Tyla a wink. 

Tyla turned her attention to me for a moment. "Anyways," She rolled her eyes before looking back at me. "You need a break away from all of this," 

I couldn't help but follow her in rolling my eyes. I let out a sigh and raised a hand, rubbing my closed eyes for a moment as I thought about what Tyla was suggesting. 

"I can't," And that was true. I couldn't possibly take a break right now. 

Ashe was still being imprisoned in the dungeons and Chase continued to have hold of the Lotus pack-- it wasn't long until Chase and his followers came for his mate and soon enough the Lotus pack and the Crimson-Moon pack will be fighting for the death.

I couldn't help but feel as if it was all my fault. 

It was a matter of time before Chase had his followers and warriors of the Lotus pack ready to strike, this wasn't the time to take breaks. The pack needed the support and the pack needed Sebastian. 

Tyla scoffed. "Yes you can," I noticed as Julia lowered the magazine away from her face to look back at me, giving a pointed look. 

"She's right, you can,"

You could basically smell the alliance between Tyla and Juliet-- it was clear to see how close they were.

I sighed, looking at the two women in front of me before shaking my head. "No, I can't. Sebastian and I need to be here, we need to figure out what to do about this situation." I complained, letting my head fall back on the headrest of the couch.

As greedy as it sounded, all I wanted was a break. 

I didn't turn to look back at Tyla, however, I could hear as she pushed herself up from her seat and walk closer. I turned my attention back on to her to see as she lowered herself to sit on the coffee table in front of me. 

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