Chapter |6| Lying To Myself

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The moment my baby called out mama, I knew I would forever be screwed

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The moment my baby called out mama, I knew I would forever be screwed. Aaron looked confused, sick and worst of all, utterly pissed. My worst fear had come to light and there was no escaping the truth now.

"I'm here honey," My mum suddenly emerged from nowhere and swooped in to take a squirming Anastasia from Aaron. Thank fuck for that.

"Sorry about that Aaron, I placed her in her crib but she always manages to find her way out, don't you?" She tickled Stasi, causing her to burst out into laughter.

Aaron was utterly perplexed, as was I, but I kept mine under wraps. "She's yours? You had another baby?"

I fought hard to hide my expression at the sound of his voice again. The deep smoothness of it, the sheer intoxicating nature of the way the words just rolled of his tongue. If anything it had gotten deeper, sexier. 

"What? God no. She's my niece. My brother is a bit of a player and knocked up his girlfriend. The man's in his forties and decides now is the time to be a father. Anyways I'm watching her whilst him and his girlfriend sort out some issues."

"But she called you..."

"I know, the poor thing has become attached to me. She watches all these shows and picks up words. Because I take care of her and have boobs, she automatically calls me Mama. Again, very sorry for that." My mum was one crafty gal. Thank god.

"No problem, I shouldn't have been up here."

She placed her hand on his arm. "It's fine darling." Then, she quickly left, shooting me a wink on the way out. And leaving the two of us completely alone. Bad combination.

"You look beautiful." He whispered out of nowhere." I stared down at attire, suddenly feeling very foolish for not wearing my jeans instead.

"I look like trash." I snorted out. Glancing up at him, I caught the expression in his eyes. His truthful, sincere expression.

"No you don't. Hell, you could wear a trash bag and you would still be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." I could feel my breath hitch in the back of my throat and goosebumps erupt over my body from just the mere sound of his voice.

A tense silence surrounded, despite the millions of words I wanted to blurt out. All the thoughts and feelings I wanted to recount, the words hanging off the edge of my tongue.

However, almost all of them were about Anastasia.  "I should..." I started, slowly backing away.

"So that's your cousin?" He suddenly blurted out. The look in his eyes was filled with a morbid desperation, a desperation which was begging me to stay, so I did.

"Uh...yes. That's my cousin." He nodded, stuffing his hands into his pocket and then laughed.

"For a moment I thought she was yours." He continued to laugh at the thought, oblivious to me fear stricken expression.

𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔Where stories live. Discover now