The End

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Well guys, this is the end to Flee. I suppose I could have made that a bit clearer, and stopped you all from getting your hopes up. My apologies. God, though, this has been a great journey that I can't thank you all enough for. Honestly, 10K reads on this book? That blows me away, it truly does. I never expected to publish this book, much less get that many reads on it. Thank you, everyone. Thank you to all those who read it, to those who recommend it to their friends, to those who voted, to those who left me reviews and comments that kept me going like nothing else.

Thank you all so much.

Now, on to business!

I have received many questions whilst writing Run and Flee, many of them more than once. To clear some things up, I figured I'd do a little Q and A. I'm going to answer some of the most popular ones, or just ones that I think need to be answered, but please ask away! If any of you are curious about anything, anything it all, just ask! I don't care if it's a theory, or you don't understand something, or if you think I have an error in my information somewhere. I don't care if you ask me personal information, just ask away. Please, guys, talk to me! I want to answer all of your questions!

Flee (Team Crafted Fanfiction) -Sequel to Run.Where stories live. Discover now