Chapter 34- Trucks Everywhere

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Adam's POV

"Just keep your head down. You doing okay?"

"The handcuffs are not helping." I whisper. Felix slouches against the wall next to me, head down in murmered conversation.

"Not much I can do about that, sorry. Afraid that's the one part that has to stick around, especially since we had to say that you were a Cavet."

"Yeah, not too happy about that either. I'm honestly just trying to not flip out. If I start screaming something about Jason, could you knock me out?" I ask. Felix looks at me curiously, then shrugs and nods.

"Sure. Whatever it takes."

Someone runs by us, and I immediately slouch over and stare at the ground. We were currently standing along the edge of the base, protected from a light rain by the gutter. The trucks were being loaded up in front, which took most attention away from me.

"He's gone." Felix whispers. I look up.

"Do you think they'd even accept my group to fight with them? We ran away."

He sighs. "Honestly, I don't know. By the way, how are you planning to contact them? You're basically a prisoner with slight back-up."

"Um, more improv?" I muse. "I hope we go southwest-ish through the woods."

We both stare at the trucks, as if willing them to tell us which way they were going. A figure detaches themself from the group and starts walking towards I us. I slump over and Felix jams on his helmet.

"Kjellberg. Ready to move out?" The man asks. Felix nods and grabs my arm roughly.

"Yes sir. Do you know which one I'll be in?" He asks.

The man turns back towards the truck. "With your regulars, I think. So, try three. If not, five. Good luck." He says. The man strides off, and I let out a breath I was holding.

"Come on." Felix says quietly. He gently pulls my arm towards the convoy, and I mime a bit of resistance, tugging and shuffling as we move. No one questions us as we approach. He pushes me into the back of a truck full of boxes, then climbs in.

"How many trucks are they taking?" I ask.

"Four. One truck for extra things, three for soldiers." He answers.

"And we are in the one for supplies?"

"Yeah. I sure hope no one decides to pack up another gun."

There's a shout and the truck suddenly starts moving. I sway slightly and sit down. Felix does the same.

"You alright?"

I take a deep breath. "Handcuffs off, please."

He doesn't argue, only taking a key from his pocket and unlocking them. I give a sigh of relief and rub the sore skin on my wrists.

"Right. What route are we taking to get there?"

"The freeways, I think. We're gonna park them just on the outskirts of L.A. and take a foot approach." He says.

"Okay. How do we find my group?"

"That's your part."

I swear and slide over the canvas covering. Lifting the corner, I peer outside. Luckily we were the last truck out, meaning no one would see us. I scan the tree line, and my breath catches in my throat.

Several people, almost entirely hidden in the shadows, sprint along the edge of the woods.

"Found them." I whisper. Felix lifts up the cover a bit more and stares where I was. He grins.

"You got a good group. How are you going to get in contact with them?" He asks. I smirk.

"Like this."

I jump up and grab one of the bars that the covering is tied to. Pushing it away, I lean out of the truck and dangle over the edge.

Ian's POV

The trucks rumbled along the road, moving towards L.A. We sprint along in the woods, keeping them close but remaining unseen.

"Ian!" Jason pants. "What're we doing?"

"Observation!" I call back. "This is where Adam went! I'm positive! He must be close!"

"How do you know?"

"I don't!"

We run parallel to the last truck. I keep a close eye on it, making sure we don't fall behind at all. Then the covering shifts and Adam pops out, hanging precariously off the back of the truck and staring right at us.

"Told you!" I scream.

I drop out of the shadows for just a second, letting Adam know I saw with a wave. He disappears back inside, and the covering closes.

"We have to get to him!" Ty shouts.

"How do we do that? The trucks are moving faster!" Mitch yells.

I grab my machine gun from where it was slung on my back. Pouring on speed, I manage to catch up to the first truck. I stop and kneel down. The bullet clicks into the chamber, then leaves it.

The first truck screeches to a stop and the others do behind it. The driver of the first truck steps out and examines the tire that my bullet punctured, as several soldiers pour out and begin to sweep the surrounding area. I run back to the team.

"That's our ticket. Let's go." I say.

Crouching low, we run as fast as we dare to the last truck. Lucky for us, all attention is focused on the first truck. We reach the last one and dive behind it.

"Adam!" I hiss. "It's us!"

The covering opens a crack and a hand extends out of it. I grab it and scramble in. It's dark in the back and by the time my eyes adjust the rest of the team has climbed aboard. Adam bends over the corner of the flap, tying it back into place. Someone taps my shoulder and I spin around.

"We meet again." Felix says happily. "Good to see you all again in one piece."

"You too." I reply. "They bought your story?"

He waves his hand nonchalantly. "No problems with it. Everything is good. Well, it was until one day a person walked right up to the gates."

"Hey," Adam protests. "Everything is still good!"

"Sure." Felix mutters. "Just off to fight a war, but everything is good."

"You want to fight this war as much as I do." Adam says. Felix grins.

"Touché. We both could use some revenge."

Adam, apparently pleased with the cover, walks back over to Felix and sits down heavily on one of the boxes.

"Ooooookay." Olivia mutters. "Mind explaining all the blood?" 

"What? Oh." Adam rubs his face half heartedly. "Not mine. Well, technically mine. It's from my arm though. Felix had to give me a bit of a make-over to convince the army."

"And the black eye?"

Felix shifts uncomfortably and Adam glares daggers at him.

"Part of the makeover." He spits. Felix smiles guiltily.

"Got it, got it." I exclaim impatiently. "You want to explain why you ran off in the middle of the night without telling anybody or leaving any hints behind?"

Adam turns red and fiddles with the cuff of his sleeve.

"You didn't tell me you ran away." Felix mutters. "I thought they were on board with it."

"Ah, no. They didn't really know. Look, I just put two and two I together that the Cavets chased out the Tunnel People and I got mad. All that matters is what's about to happen." He explains.

Mitch cocks his head. "You haven't told us that either."

Adam grins. "We are going to destroy the Cavets, completely and utterly."

Flee (Team Crafted Fanfiction) -Sequel to Run.Where stories live. Discover now