Chapter 33- Revenge

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Felix's POV

My door bursts open with a crash, and I look up. A guard stands there, panting.

"Sir.... He's.... back ..... showed up..."

I slowly get up. "What?"

They gesture wildly toward the front of the base.

"He's..... he's back!. He just walked right up to the gates..."

"Who?" I demand.


Oh, shit.

Adam's POV

The sun had long since come up, bringing the slightly warmer weather from a fall afternoon. I stepped lightly through the woods, making sure my tracks were concealed. Up ahead, the base had just come into view. Without stopping, I step out of the foliage and start walking towards the gate. Just keep walking. Just keep walking.



One of the guard at the gate had his gun trained on me. The others were getting theirs.

"Put your hands in the air!"

My knuckles grow white clenched around my knife and begin to shake. Just keep walking.

I manage to get within 20 feet when the first shot rings out. I instinctively roll away and come up standing.

"Look!" I shout. "No harm! I just want to talk to Felix!"

Step. Step. Step. Step. Step.

"Drop the knife!"

Step. Step.

"Not gonna do a lot against your guns, but okay."

I take my knife and chuck it towards the gate. It lands a foot in front of it.

Step. Step. Step. Step. Step. Step.

My other two knives were tucked out of sight on my belt. I have no other weapons. The gate is ten feet away. Just keep walking.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to stop walking and put your hands on your head."

Step. Step.

"Hands up or down is not going to make a difference, really." I offer.

Step. Step. Step. My knife is four feet away.

Step. Step. Step. Step.

I lean my arm against the gate.

"Just saying, you just let me walk right up to your gate."

The guns all aim at my forehead.

"You know what? Fine. I just want to talk to Felix. That's it. Then I'm gone. Just Felix. Arrest me, shoot me in the leg, whatever it takes."

One of the guards looks to another and nods. He sprint back towards the base. The third goes into the booth and disappears from sight.

A moment later, there's a click and the gates slide open a crack. The guard still watching me grabs my shoulder and drags me through, handcuffing me as the gates close. I roll my eyes and stand there impatiently.

Up ahead, the doors to the base fly open. The guard jogs out, followed by Felix. They run up to us, sprinting down the path.

"Sky. Why have you come?"

Flee (Team Crafted Fanfiction) -Sequel to Run.Where stories live. Discover now