Chapter 27- Before the Break

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Adam's POV

My temper flared, and I finally lashed out towards Jason. His body vanished right as my fist would have hit it, and I punched the wall with a sickening crack. I gasp and stagger backwards, clutching my now throbbing hand.

I swear loudly as I examine it. A few of my knuckles had split open and were bleeding, and a heavy bruise was spreading across my fingers. Cursing once more, I give it an annoyed shake and wrap it in my shirt.

Not real. Very real. Not real. Very real. Jason's real, but he's not here. Real, but not real. I feel like punching the wall again.

The door opens and I jump. A guard, no, not a guard. His uniform is different. Someone stands in my doorway, apparently not a guard.  His helmet covers his face except for his mouth and chin, which reveals some serious stubble. I curse again and bend over my hand, bringing it close to my stomach all the while watching him carefully. He says something in a different language and steps into the room. The door closes behind him with a resounding click, and we both stare at each other for a moment. He sighs and rubs at his chin, biting his lip.


I shoot up and take a step backwards. Only one person has called me that since I woke up with no memory. "What? I'm not-"

He cocks his head. "Sky, right? We've met. And honestly, I thought you looked bad then."

I shake my head quickly. "No idea what you're talking about. I'm not Sky."

"Aw, come on? I know I'm not that spectacular, but at least slightly memorable."

Something clicks in my head. He remembers me, but I don't remember him. This guy must have known me before I lost my memory. Maybe I can get something out of him.

"Um, nothing has been very memorable lately. I lost my memory about a year ago."

He frowns. "Man, your memory? Seriously? Like, all of it?  Was it those Cavets? I though they would have killed you first."

I raise my hands in a slow down gesture. "Back up a bit."

He pulls off his helmet and tucks it under his arm, revealing bright blue eyes and messy blond hair. He stares thoughtfully at me for a moment before starting again.

"We were both captured by the Cavets. I recognized you from YouTube, and I thought I fucked everything up for the both of us. I covered for you a bit, pretended I had never seen you before in my life. Anyway, I got sent here to the army. It's a thing they had set up, I guess. They had discussed sending you here as well. Three months later, you still hadn't shown up. I figured you were dead."

I shake my head. "No, they tried to get me to join them, I think. Then I lost my memory and they lied to me, said I was a Cavet and had been for a while. I went with it."

He nods calmly, but his face is a mixture of shock and confusion. "Keep going. I'm still a bit lost as to how you ended up here."

"Um, okay." I blew out a long breath and stared at my bruised hand for a moment. "Um, I was captured by my friends when the Cavets raided their base. Long story short, I broke out, the Cavets thought I turned traitor. Not a fun process, which you probably know. Then I ran away from both groups, my one friend found me at a safe house, and we both did some explaining. A few days ago, the Cavets attacked our allies and we ran away. So yeah."

"And we picked you up." He mutters. We're both silent for a moment. Then he glances at my hand and towards the top right corner of the room. I follow his vision, but don't see anything. He takes a step closer to me and starts talking quietly. "Look, Sky, or Adam, whatever. I believe everything, trust me. If it were up to me, I'd let you and all your friends stroll out of here unharmed, right this second. But that's not how it works. I have got several people around here concerned. You don't strike me as insane, but your behavior suggests it, and a lot of the doctors here agree with it. I'm sorry, but you've got to try and calm down. If you don't, there's little to no chance you or your group is getting out of here. Your group will be forced to join us, and you'll stay right here. I'm going to do whatever I can to help you guys, but it's hard. You guys are good, which means you're a threat. Trained fighters, I'm guessing. At least a few of you know enough to cause some serious damage of you. You're all fiercely loyal, and you have a kid with you. Some of you don't trust us so much that you won't even eat. That's not playing off well. Just try to lay low a bit, you hear me? My guys think you're infected and want to observe the change. As long as you keep losing it, they're going to keep you in here. You calm down, I can get you out. "

I nod quickly. I have to get out of here.

He claps my shoulder. "Good. Now, I just have to know. Is the leader of the Cavets still Jason?"

Jason. Jason. Jason.

My eyes widen and I take a nervous breath before nodding. He grabs my shoulders and forces me to look at him.

"Hey. Hey! Look at me. He's not here. Not here. Just you and me. Nothing to be worried about. Remember? It's gonna be okay. Stay with me. Don't punch anything again, damn it."

He glances nervously at that corner of the room again. When he looks back at me, I've managed to calm down slightly. He nods grimly.

"I'm sorry. Just hang in there."

He glances at that corner one more time before walking to the door and knocking on it once. It opens, and he slips through it with a pitying look towards me. I sigh and slide down the wall.

A few day. I just have to hold myself together for a few days. Easy.

Not easy.

Flee (Team Crafted Fanfiction) -Sequel to Run.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant