Chapter 5- To Break

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Ian's POV

"What the heck do you mean?" I scream at the guard in front of me.

"I mean, um, it, he escaped. He got out of the restraints and broke the window with the IV pole. He then jumped from the window to the fire escape and made his way down."

I run my hand through my hair, fuming. "Get lost!" I growl. The guard salutes and sprints away. With a scream of frustration I punch the wall. I scream again as pain courses through my hand and hit the wall with my head. Of course, pain explodes into my nose and I howl.

"Ian?! Are you okay?!"

I whirl around on Mitch. "No! Adam's gone, Mitch! Jumped out the window! I just....gah!" Turning around, I slam my face into the wall once more. Blood begins to drip from my nose.

"Adam escaped?"

I heave a breath. "Yes. He jumped out the window a few minutes ago." I slam my fist in the wall again. "I was with him! Standing right over him not a minute before! And he told me! Told me he was going to escape! I could've stayed there and prevented it!"

Mitch tugs me away from the wall and puts his arm over my shoulder. "That's fine, Ian. But you're attracting the attention of every zombie in a thirty mile radius. If you want to keep screaming, I'm taking you to one of the sound proof rooms."

I nod. "Fine."

Mitch leads me up a flight of stairs and into his bedroom, which was soundproofed. As soon as he shuts the door behind him, I crumple to ground and wail. Raking my fingers over my eyes, I roll around on the floor.

"I could've stopped it! He's going back to them! They'll brainwash him again until there's nothing left of us! I could've stopped him! We could've gotten him back! The old Adam! Now he's going to come and kill us!" My words crumple into a mixture of swear words. After about ten minutes, Mitch nods.

"Didn't know you knew so many curse words. Or that you could phrase them so creatively."

I peer up at him. "You learn things in the air force other than fighting."

He laughs and pulls me up. "Feel better, or do you need to keep going?"

I swear once more. "Right. I'm good."

He slaps my shoulder. "Good, because I now know words that I never wanted to know."

I punch him. "Shut up."

He shrugs. "Hey, everyone needs to break sometimes." His voice breaks.

I glance carefully at him. "Did you, the night that-"

He nods and looks towards the ceiling. About a month ago, when the zombie attacks were really bad for some reason, Mitch had insisted that Olivia leave. Basically, the two had gotten into a huge shouting match. Mitch had forced Olivia to leave, but only after a lot of shouting. He literally had to kick her out and make a guard walk her to the tunnels that he got here in. After that, he retreated to his room for a good two weeks and the only one who he would talk to was Jerome, and even then he wouldn't talk much.

I clear my throat. "So that's why you got all the foam?"

He nods. "Yeah. And for Jerome when he gets a bit odd."

I nod. "How is Jerome?"

He looks curiously at me. "He's alright. He rarely has attacks since I've gotten back. And he's recovering well from the assassin."

"Good. Well, uh, thanks."

He pats my back. "Anytime."

I walk out, closing the door behind me.

What now? My main job was keeping track of Adam. Making sure he was getting better and that he didn't escape. I guess I failed. .


Okie dokie, hello!

I know, I know, why haven't I been updating this? Answer: I am a lazy piece of crap. This book is almost finshed.

Soooooo, schedule! This book will now be updated every Monday and Thursday (HUZZAH!)

My other book, Clash of Worlds, will be updated Saturdays (HURRAY!)

And for now, the book I am co-writing with the beautiful bloxie, The Plague, will continue to be updated almsot every day.

There we go. All set.

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