Chapter 14- The Traitor

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Jason's POV

"Come on Ian, he's not a traitor!" I protest.

Ian watches Mitch and Jerome leave, but turns back to me when the door slams.

"Nothing I can do, Jason. If he's gone, he might be gone for good."

I open my mouth to protest again, but Ryan snorts before I can speak.

"Aren't you mister optimism. I'm out." He makes a peace gesture and walks out. Ty makes a face at Ian, then follows. Quentin rolls over in his bed.

"Ian, Ian! Listen to me!" He cuts me off.

"You listen to me. Look, I don't want to do this, but I have to. To protect everyone. If we let Adam back, who's saying he won't murder us in our sleep? He's already attacked us."

I bite my lip. "Yeah, but-"

He pats my leg. "You have to let Skydoesminecraft go, dude. I'm sorry."

He shoves his hands into his pockets. For a moment it looks as if he wants to say something, but then he just turns around and walks out. The door slams, and I swear loudly. Quentin grunts. "Get it all out, dude."

"Shut up." I mutter. He goes quiet. With a great huff, I swing my feet of the bed and pad down the ward. No one stops me, so I keep going. Through the doors, out into the hall, down the stairs. I'm not really sure where I'm going. I just need to go somewhere. Up and down empty hallways, up and down flights of stairs. I finally stop at level seven and glance out the long window that runs down the wall. My eyes slide over the scenery, scoffing at the brown landscape. I look back.

Something clicks and I press my nose against the glass.

A strangled gasp works it's way up from somewhere inside me and burns its way up my throat.

Far below me, standing on the pavement, is Adam. Ian stands a few feet away from him, arms crossed, blocking the door. As I watch, Ian shakes his head and Adam appears to be pleading. Even from up here, I recognize what both of their postures mean. Ian is tense, arms crossed eyes fixed. He doesn't trust Adam. He's going to attack him. Adam is slightly hunched over, face drawn back in pain.


Turning my back to the window, I sprint down the hallway. I fly down the stairs until I've reached the first level. Panting, sweat running down my forehead, I explode out of the stairwell. I pause at the door and crack it open slightly. Ian's voice drifts through.

"You're not welcome here."

I actually wince when I hear Adam' voice. It's so weak and raspy that it causes me to wonder what on earth happened to him in one week.

"Ian, right? Yeah? Ian, p-please! I'm begging you! Look, I have no where else to go, unless you want me slaughtered-"

"Maybe I do want that." Ian replies in a cold tone. Adam recoils as if he was slapped In the face, and Ian sighs.

"What about the Cavets?"

Adam flinches. "I, um, I mean, like, ah, situations change, and we decided it was for the best."

Ian nods slowly. "Right. Good. Well, I've decided this is not for the best, so if you could leave."

Adam has started to tremble, fear shining is his eyes. "I can't go back." He whispers.

In one swift motion, Ian pulls out his handgun and points it at Adam's forehead.

"And you can't stay here." Ian growls.

That's it. That's enough.

Throwing open the door, I burst out.

"Ian, stop!!!"

His head spins around and his mouth opens in surprise. His gun lowers slightly.

"Jason, what're you doing?"

I open my mouth to reply, but Ian suddenly cries out.

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