Chapter 10- The Act

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Adam's POV

I let out a groan of relief as the door closes behind Jason and roll back over onto my back. Gently, I peel off the now bloody shirt and probe the cut on my ribs as best as I can. It would be in my best interests to look at it, but it's much too dark for that.

I rub my hand over the wound and surrounding area and sigh when it comes back sticky with blood. Shaking, I separate my t-shirt from my Cavet jacket. Then I rip up the jacket and tie it around my midsection as best as I can. After it's tight, I gently slide on my t-shirt.

Team Crafted was my former group. They knew my last name. They were my friends. The Cavets attacked me.

I rub my hands across the floor as I think.

So, am I really a Cavet? Or am I part of Team Crafted? But......none of this makes any sense. I Team Crafted abandoned me. Their Jason admitted that. But the Cavets took me.... Took me what? As a prisoner? How long ago had it happened? Did it even happen?

I close my eyes and lay back. Cavet Jason had said they picked me up a little after the apocalypse started. When did the apocalypse start? It must've been several years ago, considering how many zombies there are and the depleted state of all the buildings. Oh, gosh. I had a family at some point. Did they turn? I might've killed them and never even known it. And in my flashbacks........there had been two girls. Dawn and Alesa. Did I date both of them at the same time? No.....Dawn and I were engaged. We broke up? I must've gotten with Alesa later on. Were we together in the apocalypse? Maybe that's how I met her.

I suddenly realize how long it's been. Rolling over, I close my eyes and allow sleep to engulf me.

"Wake up, Sky."

"Technically speaking, I am awake."

Jason sighs. "Your undeniable wit and need for sarcasm will never fail to entertain me."

I smirk. "I know right? I should tell non-stop jokes and be sarcastic all day for a living." (I couldn't resist)

There's an explosive pain in my stomach, and I roll away. He kicked me. He actually kicked me.

I open my eyes and stand up.

"What d'you want?"

He spreads his hands and smirks innocently at me. "The answer. You still remember the question, correct?"

I nod.

"Good. Then answer it."

"Jason, I-" He suddenly takes a step towards me. I stumble backwards and end up with my back against the wall. Casually, he pulls out a switchblade and holds it against my throat.

"Answer carefully, Sky. You might not get to answer again."

My heart beats a nervous tattoo against my chest. "I don't know the answer to your question because the answer doesn't exist!"

The tip presses into my sternum. A drop of blood trickles down my throat and I gulp, causing the knife to dig in deeper. Jason hisses.

"Word association. Certain words would trigger flashbacks. But Jason, I-" He cuts me off.

"Was that that hard?"

I shake my head. "Jason, it's not like that, I'm not a spy, I don't remember that much!"

He crosses his arms, taking the knife off my throat. "You literally cannot stop, can you?"

"No, Jason, I'm not lying. I hardly remember anything. I'm not a traitor."

He sighs and puts his head in his hands. "Adam, when are you going to get this!"

I falter. "Adam?"

"You are not a Cavet! We captured you from Team Crafted. You lost your memory on a mission. We told you that you had lived with us for a long time. You believed us. You flourished. Then, the other Cavets started noticing things. It wasn't much, but it was enough. You knew how to act around your new girlfriend, Melanie. Clearly you had dated before and remembered how to act. There were other things, too. Talking in your sleep, strange looks in your eyes, how you seemed to remember us even though you had never known us. You got good fast, Adam. Too fast. You made friends quickly, was easy-going. Normal people with no memory are normally a bit wary, you know? Not you.  You weren't able to keep up your act for very long after that. You get captured by your old group, and they fully recover your memory. They then send you back here to use your rank to take over the Cavets. I am not stupid. I saw this happen."

My mouth hangs open in shock. "Everything you told me......"

He throws his hands up. "You don't stop, do you? Here."

He throws down another bottle and walks out. With a great heave, I sit down and lean against the wall. A fragment of light makes the bottle barely visible. Biting my lip, I pick it up and swallow once.

A shudder runs through my body.

Well, no avoiding it. Tilting my head back, I dump the rest of the contents down my throat.

My fingers jump and twitch.

My leg jerks suddenly.

I scream.

Flee (Team Crafted Fanfiction) -Sequel to Run.Where stories live. Discover now