Chapter 30- A Little Fun

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Adam's POV

My eyes snap open and my body reacts as they do. I jump up, hands curling into fists and drawing close into a defensive position as a crash makes its way into my dream. My vision focuses after a second of blind terror, and I frown, rubbing at my chest in an attempt to sooth my erratically beating heart.

Felix stands in the doorway, a look of concern plastered on his face.

"Sky," he hisses. "We need to go, now. Come on, now."

Confused, I walk forward. He shoves me out of that horrid cell and yanks the door closed behind us. I stop in the hallway, unbelief running through my brain.

The Team and Olivia stand in the hallway. A few watch me sadly, and Ian wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"We'll explain later." He whispers into my ear at my confusion. "I don't even know myself."

I nod. Meanwhile, Felix locks the door to my cell and walks over, anxiously running a hand through his hair and making it stick up in all different directions.

"Come on." He mutters as he passes us, without stopping. "Walk behind me. Act casual. Sky, I want you in the middle. Keep your head down. Everyone else, act casual and do whatever it takes to keep notice from him."

Felix strides confidently down the hall, leaving us no choice but to follow. There's not one guard around, which surprises me. There should be some guards. At the Cavets, there was always at least 3 per level. Until that day-

I retch, shudders climbing up my body. Ian notices and pulls me closer to him, his arm firm around my shoulders. "Hang in there. Not now. I'm sorry, but you can't do this now." I shoot him a look and try to say something, but he shakes his head firmly and pats my hand.

We slowly walk up a flight of stairs and turn the corner. The shadow of a guard is visible in one of the rooms at the end of the hall. I duck down slightly, making sure I was well concealed behind Ryan and Quentin. We pass the guard, who didn't even glance at us. Felix guides us into an elevator. When the doors close, the questions start.

"Why are we leaving now? You said we had a week!" Mitch cries.

Felix glances nervously around the elevator. As he does, I notice how small of an area it is. My chest tightens.

"Something went wrong. They decided to after Sky tonight. We have about," he glances at his watch and swear, "2 minutes before they realize he's gone. I checked everyone else out. Said I was going to do some minor training exercise to see if you'd be eligible for the army. Only Sky didn't have clearance. Still," He glances around the room again, and my hands curl into fists at my sides. "We would technically be going the wrong way. If we get caught, there'll be questions."

I stumble backwards and hit the wall, going limp and sliding down it with a moan. My hands find my their way to my face and stay there, tugging at hair and hiding me from view. Someone swears and tries to yank my hands away.

"Adam! Come on, Adam! You're not doing this! Not here, not now! What's wrong?"

I groan and hit the wall, smacking my palm into it so hard that it hurts. Too close. Much to confined. Oh god.

"Should have left me, should have left me, you're all going to die, you're going to die, we're going to die..." The words push themselves from my mouth, fast and scrambled and unknown. Felix swears.

"Two more floors. Keep talking to him."

They manage to separate two of my fingers, allowing for me to peek through, and Jason's face comes into view.

Flee (Team Crafted Fanfiction) -Sequel to Run.Where stories live. Discover now