Chapter 32- Adam Needs To Stop

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A/N: Fixed error in last chapter with Adam's thought process. To anyone who pointed it out, thanks. It is fixed now, though. It should be better. Apologies for inconvenience.

Jason's POV


My eyes drift open slowly. Bright white rays stream through my lashes, blinding me almost instantly.

"What?" I groan.

"Have you seen Adam?"

My eyes snap open all the way and I blink them a few times. "No. I was asleep all night."

Morning light filters through the canopy of leaves. Ian looks around anxiously.

"I can't find him....." He mutters.

I yawn and slowly get up. My back clicks a few time as I stretch. All around, everyone else it still asleep.

"What happened?" I ask.

"I don't know. I just woke up this morning, and he was, just, like, gone. No sign of him leaving. It's like he was never here."

Walking over to Mitch with a sigh, I nudge his head with my foot. He mutters something incomprehensible before answering. "What?"

"Have you seen Adam?"

One eye opens blearily. "He's on guard duty."

"No he's not. He's gone."

The other eye opens and he rolls onto his stomach and shakes Jerome awake.

"You seen Adam, biggums?"

"Not since last night," Jerome mumbles. "He's in that tree."

"No he's not." I repeat. "He's gone."

Jerome opens his eyes. "What?"

"You heard me. We can't find him anywhere. Wake up everyone." I order, already walking away to get the others up.

Soon enough, we all stand around the charred remains of our fire.

"No one saw him leave?" Ian asks impatiently. We all shake our heads and he groans, rubbing a hand tiredly over his face.

"This guy," he mutters, "Is a walking death trap. Fine. Lets take a good look around the area. Maybe he just went to get some more wood or find water or something."

We all disperse in different directions, calling his name. I go over to his tree as check the area around it. Leaves, leaves, leaves, stick. Nothing of importance.

"Hey guys, did Adam still have those knives?" Ty calls.

Ryan nods. "Yeah."

Ty glances back at the tree he was near and points at the far side of it. "I think he was playing with them last night."

We all hurry over. Two cuts in the bark, right next to each other, sit in front of us. Ian rubs one of them.

"They do look like knife marks. Didn't he only have on set, though? Why are they different?"

Ryan shrugs. "Only one set, last I checked. Dunno."

Mitch looks down. "Doesn't make sense...." He frowns, glaring at the ground.

"Wait, what the hell?"

He bends down and pushes some of the leaves aside. Deep scuff marks sit in the dirt below. He pushes more away, and a footprint is revealed. Taking great handfuls, he reveals several footprints of various sizes.

"Those are  definitely not all Adam." Jerome says. "There are little prints."

Ian nods as he stares at the many tracks. Quentin kicks away some more leaves. "I think whoever they were, they were running. Look at the toe. It's deeper than the heel."

We all bend down. Sure enough, the toes are deep.

"So a bunch of people were running away?" Olivia asks. 

Ian suddenly stands up and stares at the sun. Then he walks into our clearing, where there is almost no shade, and jams a stick into the ground. He stares at the shadow it casts, placing small rocks on the different edges. Finally he stands back up.

"D'you know how stupid we are? We went backwards! We're probably closer to Anne and Gerald's right now than the base."

Ryan shrugs. "So?"

Ian kicks over the stick. "So how many groups are there in this area?" Without waiting for an answer, he keeps going. "Three. Us, who did not make these footsteps. The Cavets, who did not as pointed out that there are children's footsteps. Who does that leave? The Tunnel People. The Tunnel People abandoned their tunnels and ran away."

Olivia gasps, and Mitch puts his arm around her. "What does this have to do with Adam?"

Ian snaps his finger and points at Mitch. "Didn't get there yet. But it has to mean something."

"Did he like, go back to the house? Maybe he wanted to check on Anne and Gerald." Mitch says.

"Without us? He would know that all of us would want to go." Jerome says. Olivia nods.

"Okay, so he went to find the tunnel people." I offer.

Ian nods. "It's possible."

Ty shakes his head. "No. I don't think so. It was probably the Cavets that chased out the tunnel people. We all know the tunnel people. So, Adam, maybe not thinking like he should be, wanted revenge. He might be on his way to the Cavets right now."

"Adam is terrified of the Cavets. Even when he isn't in control." I say.

"So where would he go?" Ian wonders aloud. We all go quiet, thinking.

"That son of a bitch." Mitch spits suddenly . "He didn't!"

"What?" Jerome asks, shocked.

He paces around, clearly upset. "Guys, Adam not in his right mind is a soldier. He knows fighting. He would know we wouldn't be able to take on the Cavets. The Tunnel People have tried and it didn't go to well. So he goes to the only place left that he knows for reinforcements."

"Mothertrucker!" Quentin exclaims. "After all that shit."

Ian swears as well. I stare at them, confused. "What? I'm still lost, here!"

"He went back to the army! He went to Felix!" Mitch states angrily.

I close my eyes and groan. "Shit."

"So what do we do?" Ryan asks. "Go back there? No chance. Adam is going to be taken into custody again, and there will be no escape this time. We can't go back, because the same'll happen to us."

Ian sighs. "Lets go and check it out. If he's already caught, then I don't know. If he somehow isn't, we stop him."

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