Chapter 3- The Assassin

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Mitch's POV

Adam's thin body grows limp beneath me, but my grip only tightens.

I saw what you did to them. I watched you attack Jerome and my friends. Next time you plan to escape, be a little more careful of where you attack people. Right outside my bedroom door is not a good place.

About ten minutes later, I loosen my grip on his neck. He doesn't move, so I roll off of him. The syringe falls from my hand.

After I watched Adam attack Ryan, Jerome, and Quentin, I had sprinted to the infirmary. Adam had his own little cabinet of drugs, so I had grabbed the strongest sedative I could find and mixed it with a bit of painkiller. Hopefully he wouldn't die, but I think the team is in more danger of dying right now than he is.

I get up from the ground and hit the fire alarm. Sirens wail throughout the building, and red warning lights flash along the wall. There. Every person in the building should now be scouring the halls. I sit down again and wait.

Not thirty seconds later does a guard sprint from the stairwell, gun in hand. He stops at the sight of us. Me, sitting cross legged against the wall, and Adam, splayed out on his stomach.


I stand up. "Hi. Um, so, would you happen to know if they found any other bodies?"

The guard, a women in her early twenties, nods. "They found several others unconscious on various levels."

I nod. "Ya, um, I kind of found the person who did it."

I gesture towards Adam, still unconscious.

Her eyes widen even more. She clears her throat. "Right. Will he need to go to the infirmary?"

I shrug. "Shouldn't. He's on a huge dose of painkiller and sedative."

She nods again, biting her tongue. "Yes. So, um, I think I'll find some more people to take him back to his cell."

I nod. "Good. Make sure all the other prisoners are still in theirs."

"Oh, um, they aren't. Maybe you should go check on your friends. You know where to find them."

The world had taken a dizzying spin at what she first said, but I nod and start to walk away.

Adam freed all the prisoners. He broke them all out.

I sigh. So much for improvement.

I climb up and up the stairs until I reach the infirmary.

While it was almost empty an hour ago, it is now quite full.

Ryan lays on the bed nearest to me, unconscious. An IV runs from his arm, but no one is attending to him, so he must be all right.

Jerome lays on the bed next to his. There's a bandage wrapped around his head and his ribs, and a nurse bustles around his bed. Biting my lip, I force myself to look on.

Next to Jerome lays Ian. Ian only has a bandage on his nose, but it gushes blood. Another nurse is near him, trying to stop the bleeding.

Across from Ian lays Ty. He looks alright, only an IV and an ice pack behind his head.

Next to Ty lays Quentin. Three people are around him, blocking him almost completely from my view. The most I can see is a thick bandage around his head, partly covered in blood. I shudder.

Jason lays at the far end, most attention on him. An IV is hooked up to him, but there are also bandages wrapped thinly around head. Blood trickles slightly from his lips. I stare at him for a moment, but then whirl around as someone taps me on the shoulder.

A blonde nurse stands before me. "Excuse me, but I'm told that you were the one who apprehended Dahlburg. I understand you used a large dosage of painkiller and sedatives, but could you show me exactly how much?"

I nod, breathless. "Um, yah." I walk over to the cabinet filled with Adams stuff. I pull out one of the empty syringes and hand it to her.

"You used a syringe this big?"

I laugh nervously. "Maybe." Hand shaking slightly, I grab a bottle of the painkiller I used and the chloroform. Gently, I fill up the syringe as I had before. Her eyes widen.

"What?" I ask anxiously. "Too much?"

She nods. "He should be fine, but he'll be asleep for a good while. Anyways, thanks."

I blow out a nervous breath.

Oh, gosh. I thought I had killed him for a minute.

Down the ward, Ian stirs. A nurse trots over and bends over him, then leans up a moment later. I shuffle towards him, eyes down.

"Hey, Ian."

Now that he's awake, I can really see the damage. His entire face is swelled and purple, both eyes black. His nose is slightly crooked, and still trickles blood.

"Mitch. What happened?"

I glance behind me. "Take a good look around, Ian. Adam broke out. He freed all the other Cavets. I guess they got seperated, and Adam had to escape on his own. Then he, like, decided to target Team Crafted. He got everyone except me."

Ian's face grows haggard. "Why would he target us? Did he get anyone else?"

I nod. "One guard, found in the same area as Jerome, Quentin, Ty, and Ryan. Right down the hall from my room. I watched him do it all." I gulp. "Ian, have you seen Adam fight?"

He shakes his head. "Not since last year. Why?"

I heave a sigh and sit on the edge of his bed. "He's still recovering from a bullet wound and other injuries, right?"

Ian nods slowly.

I put my head in my hands. "He's a trained assassin, I swear. Some of the things he was doing, while injured, I'd hate to face him when he's healthy."

He leans forward. "What d'you mean?"

I throw my arm out towards the ward. "This is all him. Every person. He didn't. Even. Have. A weapon. Ian, he could've killed us all. The only reason I got him was because of how much pain he was in. I tackled him when he was checking his leg."

Ian lets out a slow whistle. "I'd hate to fight him at the top of his game. He would murder us in three seconds flat."

I nod. "Exactly."

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