Chapter 11- A crud ton of talking

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Mitch's POV

I clap my hands. "Well, that was a bright note to end on. So! To review, we have decided that we are to never again trust our ex-friend. Now that everything is cleared up, Jerome.....?"

I nod towards the door. Jerome sighs and straightens. As we walk out, I hear Jason arguing behind us.

"Ian, come on. He's not a traitor!"

Jerome snorts as we walk away. "That was productive."

"Yeah." I say. "We pretty much just decided to never trust out friend. Very helpful."

We round a corner and begin walking down the stairs. I skip down them, and Jerome hops it one by one. I laugh. "Hurry up, biggums!"

He hops another step and stops, crossing his arms. "No. You can't rush a bacca."

I smile devilishly. "You can leave them in the dust, then." I turn and sprint down the remaining stairs.

"Hey!" Jerome protests. "Daz not cool!"

I laugh and sprint down the hall towards my room. A moment later Jerome joins me, gasping for air.


I sit down. "They should consider it. How do you think Benja slaughters so many people?"

He puffs out his chest. "Who needs exercise when you have an ax?"

Shaking my head, I push him towards the chair in the corner of my room. He topples into it and looks up, grinning crazily. "Hey!"

I lounge back on my bed. "What? The bac got something to say? Don't make me get dem raw fish."

He pretends to cower in fear. "No please! Not the fish!"




My smile fades. Jerome's eyebrows knit together in concern. "Mitch? You good?"

I nod. "Yeah. Just thinking."

Jerome sighs. "Adam?"

Uncomfortable, I grab my pillowcase and twist it into a knot. "Yeah. I'm just thinking about our decision."

"Same. I just keep thinking, ya' know, what of he's like I was? Just kinda trapped. Like, he remembers, but he's not sure."

"What're you saying, biggums?"

"I don't know. No, I do know. Mitch, when I went crazy for a while, it was like I was stuck inside my own head. Not able to do anything on the outside. It's like my thoughts were tied together. What if he's going through the same thing?"

I scratch my head. "Dunno. Ian said you screamed a lot. Adam didn't scream that much."

He throws his hands up in frustration. "No! Not exactly like me! What if he remembers, but he doesn't know what to think because of what the Cavets told him?"

I bite my lip and squint at him. "He seemed pretty mad at all of us. If you don't remember, he did try to kill you."

He waves a hand around carelessly. "I think I tried to strangle Jason."

I sit bolt upright. "What?"

He waves his hand again. "Doesn't matter. But see my point?"

I shrug. "I think so. But you didn't recover until I came back. We don't know what'll cure Adam. Until then, he's still pretty much an assassin. Out to assassinate all of us and anybody else he sees, except for all his little Cavet buddies that he plays with." (I'm totally not referencing Dean Winchester. Nope. Not at all.)

"Oh. Right. I just....wait." He bites the inside of his cheek and stares at me.

My cheeks grow red. "What?"

"You didn't see it, did you? I thought everyone knew...."

I lean forward. "What? What do we all know?"

He look down at his folded hands. "Adam got in a stand-off with most of the Cavets." He mutters.


"I thought you knew..... Adam jumped out a window to escape us. He landed in an alleyway to where most of the Cavets had retreated. I saw him talking to them, and then they were all pointing his guns at him. Some girl tackled him from behind and they all just, like, swarmed him. That's how he got most of his injuries. Anyway, he went limp. I thought he was dead, but then as somebody was securing his hands he kicked them in the face and leaped up. After that he just ran off. I'm guessing that's when he broke the Cavet leader out of here."

My mouth hangs open is surprise. "The Cavets turned on Adam."

Jerome nods.

"And he just went back to them."


Flee (Team Crafted Fanfiction) -Sequel to Run.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن