Chapter 22- Reboot

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Third Person's POV

Adam collapses to the ground, tucking his legs under him. A shaking  hand reaches up to cover his face and eyes, and his back rises with each shallow breath.

Spread across the clearing, the battle wages on. Adam goes unnoticed, one more body among many laying on the ground.

Across the battle, Cavet Jason steps slowly out of the tunnel and examines the area. With a smirk of satisfaction, he steps forward and the Cavets guarding the tunnel move aside. He raises his hands and there's a hush of silence as the Cavets immediately holster their weapons. Taken by surprise, the Tunnel People and Team Crafted lower their weapons and stare in confusion.

"One request!" He shouts. It echoes around the clearing, bouncing so that everyone can hear it. His voice drops considerably at his next statement. "Give us Adam. I have unfinished business with him. You are not our enemies. We will leave you in peace so long as you stay outside of Cavet territory."

Ian pushes to the front of the crowd, gun wrapped in a tightly clenched fist. "Adam's not here." He spits. "Believe me, if we did have him, I would have put a bullet in his skull long beforwe you got here. Unfinished business, my ass. We both got issues with Adam."

The rest of the team follows his lead, shoving through the quiet people.

Cavet Jason smirks. "Oh, really? A few of my group seemed to have noticed quite a....... Skilled fighter. Now, if you really don't have him on your side, you won't mind us taking him."

Ian shakes his head and crosses his arms.

"We don't have him." He responds with a sneer. The rest of the Team nods.

Cavet Jason's face grows stony with a frown. Slowly, he reaches up a hand and points into the crowd.

"Oh, Adam!" He roars. "You didn't even come to greet me!"

The Tunnel People and Cavets part at his finger. Ian's face goes slack with shock. Adam lays right where he points, curled up in a ball. His hands cover his face, and visible trembling racks his frame. Cavet Jason grins broadly and walks toward him.

"Adam! What've you been up to lately?" He asks loudly. He reaches down to pull his hands away from his face, but Adam unfurls from his ball in a flash and slaps his hands away.

"Don't touch me!" He screams. His breath hitches as Jason locks eyes with him.

Jason steps back slightly and spreads his arms wide with a grin. "Why, that's no way to greet an old friend. Where you been, buddy?"

Team Crafted Jason snorts. Adam bows over more so that his face is buried in the dirt and his fingers rake up and down in front of him, creating deep furrows in the earth.

Cavet Jason scans the area. His eyes land on the bloodstained body of Jesse, not two feet away from them. He frowns.

"Having some mental dilemma, Adam?"

Adam gives a shuddering gasp and moans quietly. A smirk touches his lips, and Cavet Jason leans down next to him and mutters in his ear, resting a hand on his back.

"It's alright, buddy. I know it's hard to see your good friends go. Listen, it'll be alright. We just gotta get you back to base."

Adam freezes at his words, his touch. Then there's a small sob.

"No! I'm- I'm not a Cavet!"

Cavet Jason looks down sadly at him. "You don't sound sure. You are a Cavet. Don't listen to Team Crafted. They lied to you." He finishes with a broad grin unseen by Adam.

Team Crafted Jason jumps forward, seeing his friend leaving him once more. "Adam, no! They lied to you! They're still-mmph!" One of the Cavets tackles him and wraps their hand over his mouth. Ian cries out and tries to help him, but gets the same treatment. Soon enough, the entire team is restrained and silent, forced to watch. Cavet Jason nods and leans down to Adam again, who is now shivering despite the fact that it was quite warm.

"They lied, Adam." He whispers. "They wanted you to join them so badly that they pretended they knew you. They gave you a fake life. Come back to us, and it'll all be normal again. No more confusion." Adam's spine goes rigid and arches slightly at these last words. Cavet Jason smiles. He's winning, and he knows it.

"Gotta get up. We gotta get you back to base. Then we can train and go on missions like we used to, remember? You can hang out with your girlfriend. She missed you like hell.

Something clicks in Adam's mind. Girlfriend... since when had he had a girlfriend? That one girl he had seen when they first attacked Team Crafted. She had cried his name and tried to go to him. TC Jason had stopped her. Alesa was her name... He remembered when he first introduced her to the team at a New Year's Party.

Team Crafted.

Team Crafted.

Team Crafted.

Cavet Jason smiles widely. Adam had gone quite still, breathing short. Suddenly, his body went slack and an arm flew out and collided with Jason's face. His whole body erupted up from the ground and shot towards Jason. They roll backward, a blur of limbs. Streams of cuss words erupt from the two as they try to pin the other.

As soon as it starts, it stops. Adam leans over Jason, holding his wrists to the ground. His eyes are bloodshot, brewing with tears, but he still manages to glare at Jason with a look of complete and utter hatred.

"I am not- and will never again be- a Cavet. Order your troops to release mine and retreat or I will snap your neck."

Jason raises an eyebrow. "Your troops? Really?"

Adam's face twitches. "My troops. My name is Adam Dahlberg of Team Crafted, and you are Jason of the Cavets. I will snap your neck if you do not order a retreat, are we clear?"

Jason's face went blank, staring at Adam. After a moment, he finally calls, "Fine! Go!"

Immediately, the Cavets let go of Team Crafted and any tunnel people that had tried to come to Adam's defense. They quickly retreat into the tunnel, leaving only Jason.

"Now let me go." Jason growled.

Adam shakes his head. "No. You kept me a prisoner. This is revenge."

A small smile pays across Jason's lips. "Really? Are you going to get revenge, Sky? Lock me in a room and poison me, torture me? Really? You don't have the guts, Sky. You never did. Hell, you wouldn't even know how to fight if it weren't for me. You were a good fighter when I was done with you, but your were a fucking horrible soldier."

Doubt grows in Adam's eyes and his mouth opens slightly. Seeing his confusion, Jason spits in his face and knees him in the stomach. As Adam's grip lessens, he sends a powerful kick into his stomach that sends him flying backward. He flips over and sprints into the tunnel. No one stops him.

The Team rushes to Adam and pulls him back to his feet. Adam stares at the tunnel with a dazed look and then sighs, shaking his head. Quentin sits back with a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god. Don't do that again."

Adam stares around uncertainly. "Yeah..... no. Well, shall we head back home?" He asks forcibly.
Forcing his leg under him, he takes his weight with a little too much energy. Everyone follows his lead. He walks into the woods towards the house, his red eyes unseen by the Team.


Well, there we are.

A new chapter, as was heavily requested.

So, the Cavets have retreated, and Adam is fine. Or is he?

What do you think? Is the threat with the Cavets over? Is Adam really okay?

Oh, and THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! I cannot even express how grateful I am for all the kind comments and responses to my questions. You all keep me going, and I can't thank you enough for that.

Happy reading!

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