Chapter 19- Return of the Team

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Adam's POV

My eyes fly open to a lot of grunting. Damn, I must have fallen asleep again. There's a crash, and I quickly push myself into a sitting position.

Ian is on the floor on his back, restrained by Mitch and Jason. He flailed somewhat, trying to free himself from their arms to reach a gun that was laying a few feet away. His eyes, full of hatred, were fixed securely on me.

"He's a traitor, Mitch! He tried to kill all of us! I'm just repaying the favor!"

Mitch gets a better grip on his arm. "By killing him? Ian, he's on our side! I talked to him!"

"He's a traitor!" Ian says. "He's lying! He attacked us! I don't know if you have forgotten what he did to us, but I sure as hell haven't!"

Gently as possible, I slide off the couch and pick up the gun. My fingers wrap around the metal and I raise it up to my temple.

"Should I do it, Ian? Would that make you feel better?" I say quietly.

"Adam, stop!" Mitch cries. Ian stares at me in shock, wide-eyed. His movements froze.

I shake my head and lower the gun. "Thought we were better than that. From what Mitch tells me, we used to be pretty close. Now I go MIA for one year and you hate me that much? You don't even hate me. You're just as damn confused as I am, aren't you?"

He stiffens. "Adam?"

I smirk. "I hear Team Crafted has some nice people."

He nods slowly and pushes Mitch and Jason off. With him not fighting anymore, they let go. He slowly stands up, eyes trained on me cautiously, and holds out his hand. I reach forward to take it.

He lunges forward and hits me in the chest. I fall backwards, and he grabs the gun from my hand. I grab my side, trying to alleviate the pain as he levels the gun to my head.

"You're right. I have no clue what to think. Things have changed since you left. I had to step up, Adam. Being a leader in an apocalypse can really change a person, and I get the feeling it did not change me for the better. And you know, I don't trust people who turn their back and then come crawling back." He hisses.

My face cracks into a smile as a word appears in my mind and uncertainty grows into his eyes. "Ssundee. That's the friend I wouldn't turn on. As for why I left you, no choice. Just imagine waking up, surrounded by people you don't know, and they all tell you that they know you. I knew no better. You know better, bud. I should hope you still remember when we were friends, even if I don't."

He doesn't lower the gun, but his eyes narrow slightly. "They told you that they knew you?"

I nod.

"But you remember us now?"

"It's coming back, bit by bit."

He turns and looks at Mitch. "You're positive he's on our side?"

Mitch crosses his arms and firmly nods his head. "Yes. Positive."

He bites his lip and looks back to me. Then, with a sigh, he reaches down and pulls me up. I grunt in pain.

"I missed you, Adam. But I will not hesitate if you turn on us again." He mutters.

I swallow. "Right."

Mitch breathes a sigh of relief. "Right, so we're all in the kitchen. Jason?" He asks. Jason nods and heads in. Ian follows and Mitch loops his arm around my ribs as I limp over. We stop in the doorway and look on.

The rest of the team stands in the kitchen, all staring at Mitch and I. Some eyebrows are raised in my direction, but nothing is said. Then Ryan starts talking.

"I just don't get what we're supposed to do now. We left the hospital, and the Cavets know it. They'll have taken it over by now for sure."

"We can either move on and try to survive somewhere else or join the tunnel people." Jerome says. "We don't have the strength to take on the Cavets again. We only won last time from sheer luck. They were all trying to defend Adam and the other Jason." He glances subconsciously at me, then looks away.

"So we can't go back. We basically surrendered LA." Ty mutters. Jerome nods.

"Could we stay here for a while, Mitch? Most of the tunnel people returned to their group, so it's just us." Ryan says.

Mitch nods. "I'll check with Anne and Gerald." He turns and runs through the door. His footsteps echo up the stairs and creak above our heads. There's the sound of muffled voices, and then several pairs of feet down the steps. Mitch reappears, followed by Anne and Gerald. They stop when they see their kitchen full of several people.

"These are your friends, Mitch?" Gerald asks.

Mitch nods. "Just them would be staying here. I was thinking in the basement."

He nods. "That'll be fine. You'll have to move all your junk out of the way, though."

"It's not junk." Mitch scoffs. "Without that stuff we wouldn't be here." He rolls his eyes, but gives Jerome a relieved grin.

Gerald throws up his hands in surrender. "Whatever you say. We're going back to bed, if that's all." With that, the two turn around and head back upstairs. Mitch opens the door to the basement and walks down, closely followed by the rest of the team.

I sigh. No way I'm getting down there. I limp back to the couch with some varied curse words and flop down.


Um, apologies for any cruddiness in this chapter or any chapters coming

My computer is being annoying

(And thanks to everyone for sticking with me in my weird hiatus. You guys rock!)

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