Chapter 17- Safety

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Adam's POV

Breathing heavily through my mouth, I manage to get out a quick, "Right." The old man starts walking forward, gently pulling me, as I hop along on one foot. Every time my right foot hit the ground I mentally curse, not knowing how he would respond to my violent collection of words. Honestly, I don't even know where I learned most of them.

After walking, or in my case, hopping, for a good half-hour, he finally stops and releases me. I immediately slump against the wall and close my eyes. I get increasingly dizzy as I do this, so I open them. The man is pushing some sort of cover off the ceiling, like the one that I fell through. Light filters in as he shoves it up, and I realize that I'm shivering. He looks back at me and bites his lip.

"Might be a pain getting you up there, but by the looks of it, you really do need medical attention...." he fades off.

I stare determinedly at the hole in the ceiling. I hop over there, and place my hands up through the hole. As soon as I have a grip, I start to hoist myself up. Agony rages through my side and I whimper but don't let go. With a great heave, I pull myself through and sprawl out on the floor. After a moment, the man scrambles up after me and shuts the lid. He nods down at me. "Impressive."

It's all I can do to nod back, considering the room had just taken a nasty wobble. He reaches down and grasps my hand, and with a groan I'm lifted from the floor. I lean heavily against one of the chairs the surround a small table and examine my surrounding.

It's a small kitchen. Seemingly modern, considering there is a microwave, fridge, oven, and stove. Four chairs rest around the small table.

I snap back to attention as a teenage girl runs into the room, all attention on the old man.

"Gerald, you're back! Did you find the person in your tunnels?" She says excitedly. The old man, Gerald, nods. She scans the room and her eyes land on me for the first time. Her mouth drops open.


"I...... what?" I ask.

The world shifts and is engulfed.



The girl smiles brightly at me, and I return the grin.

"Hey there, recruit? What's up?"

She shrugs. "Just meeting my favorite youtuber."

I laugh. "AAWWW, I feel so loved! What's your name?"

She smiles again as she hands me a minecraft sword to sign. "I'm Olivia, or Olivialovessnow."

I sign the sword and hand it back. "Wow, Olivialovessnow. Would you like to hang out in my budder kingdom sometime?"

She nods. "Yeah!"

I laugh. "Alright, snow girl. Find me on my server sometime and we'll play something."

She nods and runs off, laughing. I stare after her for a moment before the next recruit steps up to the table."


I come to grasping the chair I had been leaning on. The girl still stared at me, but Gerald didn't seem that concerned. I must have only been in the flashback for a few seconds. This girl, she looks so much like the one I just saw. What was her name? Olive?

Gerald shoes her away. "Not now, Olivia. Later."

She nods and exits the room. A moment later, an older woman enters.

"Gerald, Olivia tells me you have another hurt boy in here. Honestly, you'd think those tunnels produce them." She cuts off as she notices me. "Oh, dear. What on earth happened to you?"

I shrug. "Um, I got tortured a few times, was held in a dark room for several days with minimal water and little food, got shot, then fell down a cave and sliced my hands up." My head spins as I speak.

She gasps and holds a hand to her mouth. "Oh my. Oh my goodness. Dear, how on earth are you still on your feet? Sit, sit now. Gerald, get him something to drink. I'm going to run upstairs and grab the first-aid."

I sit down at her persuasion. Gerald brings me a glass of water a moment later, and I take it with a nod of thanks. It takes all my self control to not dump it down my throat. Instead, I force myself to take small sips. Despite my efforts, by the time she returns Ive finished it. She lugs a large case with her and sets it down on the table with a large thunk. When it opens, my eyes widen slightly. That thing is loaded. After a moment of looking it over, she turns back to me.

"Right. What needs attention first, do you think?"

Let's see. I have a bullet graze in my side. But my leg is also in a lot of pain. I decide to go with the latter.

"My left leg."

She nods. "Good a place as any."

She gently rolls up my pant leg, but I still wince. After feeling it for a moment, with a lot of repressed screams from me, she nods. "Can't be positive, but that feels just swollen" She pulls the materials she needs for a cast and begins wrapping my leg. My breathing starts to get shallow again, so I focus on taking deep breaths as she wraps. Finally, she straightens up and puts the extra materials in her case.

Using alcohol, she cleans all my cuts and bandages them. She gives me ice to hold on various wounds. She stitched up the graze in my side.. After she was done, she let me pass out on the couch for a while.

As my eyes close, I can only think one thing.

I'm safe.

Flee (Team Crafted Fanfiction) -Sequel to Run.Where stories live. Discover now