Chapter 25- The Base

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Adam's POV

My eyes shoot open and I sit upright. My eyes slowly adjust to my surrounding. Cement walls. Cement floor. Thick, iron door.

Oh, god, no. No. No.

I was lying on a small cot wedged into the corner of the cell, the greying material smelling of dust and mold.

I focus on my breathing, trying to calm down. Oh, god. The walls seem to close in on me, and I scrabble farther backwards on the mat, pressing myself into the corner and tucking in my knees. Rocking back and forth, I blink tightly and pant rapidly.

I'm back in a cell. I was captured again. I can almost see Jason strolling through that door, holding another bottle of that awful poison water, whatever the hell that stuff was. He'd laugh at how I had passed out, then kick me in the side. I'd cry out, and he'd kick me again. Then he'd toss down the bottle saying, "Drink up, Sky. Dehydration will kill you faster then me."

It takes me a moment to realize I had stopped breathing again and I suck in the oxygen. C'mon, focus. Nothing to focus on. My eyes trace the walls, jumping desperately around the room. My heart beats madly against my chest. I'm trapped.

My fingers scrape against the wall. I rub them up and down the wall, savoring the pain.= that comes from the bumpy concrete as I rake my hand against it.

Oh, I could've moved faster! If I had gotten the team out of there none of us would be here. I wasn't good enough. I let it get to me. My fingers splay out against the wall and I freeze. Oh, look. I'm claustrophobic. Fan-freaking-tastic. I can't move from the cot without having the walls collapse in on me, so I sit on the edge of it. The walls seem to creep closer to me, and I close my eyes and suck ina shallow breath. I rake my hands through my curly hair, making it stick up oddly.

Someone shouts from out in the hall, and I look up. What if that was one of my friends..... oh, gah. What about Olivia? She's probably freaking out worse than I am. It's my fault she's here. If I hadn't panicked we could've gotten out of there. It's all my fault. This is all my fault. Everything is my fault. My hand starts to twitch again. Breathe. In. Out. In. Out. Breathe. Forget it.

I curl into a ball and close my eyes so tightly that it hurts. My hands clench into fists and I heave. In and out. In.......... my breath freezes in my throat. Oh god.
My hands clutch my arms, digging into the flesh. A spike of pain tells me I drew blood. The blood splatters in front of me and grows into a person. I gasp as Jason holds up the gun.

"I warned you, Adam. Weakness is not tolerated here."

"No.." I gasp. "I'm not weak...."

He looks me over. "You're pitiful. Look at you. You lost your mind when you were captured, and now your going nuts by just sitting in a corner. I thought I trained you better."

"You did this to me, Jason! I trusted you!" I scream.

He clicks a bullet into place. "I thought I could trust you. I trust strong people. Good soldiers. People who will do what is right when they need to. You? You panic. You freak out when it comes down to it all. You let your whole group get captured because of it."

"No.." I mutter. "I'm a good soldier."

He laughs. "No you're not. I told you before. You're an athlete, maybe on a good day. Not a soldier. And what does that mean in a fighting situation?" He asks quietly.

A shudder runs through me.

"That's right. You know the answer. You run." He hisses.

Flee (Team Crafted Fanfiction) -Sequel to Run.Where stories live. Discover now