Chapter 2- Team Crafted Will Fall

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Adam's POV

An orange glow burns across the normally white walls, reflecting the red sun on the horizon. I sit cross-legged on the floor across from the window, watching it's lazy descent into darkness.

There's a click at the door and I groan. And I thought they might've actually forgotten to come today. Just my luck.

The door opens silently and I roll my eyes towards the figure in the doorway. Enemy Jason. Of course. He stands idly in the doorway, watching me. After a while, his gaze starts to annoy me.

"Can I help you?" I mutter. He shifts.

"Remember anything?"

I stretch out my sore leg. "I remember that you're an enemy."

He sighs. "Adam, I am not your enemy."

I stretch out my other leg and push myself up against the wall. "Oh, yeah. I did remember something."

His eyes light up. "Really? What?"

"That you're an idiot."

His eyes widen as I lurch towards him and slam his head against the doorframe in one, fluent strike.

Enemy Jason slumps over on the ground, leaving nothing in my way. Face passive, I step over his crumpled body. As soon as I step into the hall, my senses go into overdrive.

There's the smell of antiseptic thickly surrounding the area, mixed slightly with metal. No footsteps on this level, but there's definitely someone on the level above. I need to move fast.

Striding across the hall, I throw open the door across from mine. Someone jumps up in the darkness, whom I recognize in less then a second.

"Jesse. Help me get everyone out of here."

He steps lightly into the hallway. "Yessir. If you don't mind me asking, how?"

I cross the hallway and throw open the door before answering. "Lets just say, there's an unconscious person in my room."

The Cavet in that room smirks and steps out. "Good job, Adam. I figured if anyone would come to the rescue, it'd be you."

She joins us in opening the doors. Soon enough, the rest of the Cavets surround us. I lean heavily on Jesse, the pain rebounding from all the movement. Quietly, everyone starts walking down the stairs. No guards stop us. I am just starting to get hopeful when there's shouting from above. Instantly, I shove Jesse forward and I topple to the ground. He looks back, surprised.

"Go!" I hiss. "Ill only slow you all down. Get everyone out of here. That's an order."

Jesse nods and they all start walking. After a minute, I lose track of their footsteps in the heavy pounding of footsteps from above. Groaning, I pull myself up.

The first person rounds a corner and sprints down the stairs towards me, but I'm ready. I swing forward using the rail for support and connect my feet with his face. He topples to the ground.

No one joins him, so I take a moment to examine his now bloody face. I smile.

Ian of Team Crafted. He would often come in and talk to me.

When still there is no one, I turn and start limping down the stairs. No point in committing suicide if you don't have to.

A guard stands at the bottom of the stairs with his back turned to me. Silently, I slide my arm around his throat and pull him towards my chest. He scrabbles at first, but his attempts grow weaker. I lower him to the ground.

From across the hall, a door opens. Someone steps out and stares at me open mouthed. I recognize him as well. Ty of Team Crafted.

As fast as I can, I sprint towards him. He throws up his arms in an attempt to save himself, but that's idiotic against me. With a simple check, his head cracks against the wall and he falls down.

"Ty? What're you doing?"

A voice sounds from inside the room. There's laughter.

"He's Ty, Quentin. What do you think has happened?"

"Shut up, you two. You alright Ty?"

Three people step out into the hall, whom I all recognize. Quentin, Ryan, and Jerome of Team Crafted.

Ryan's mouth opens at Ty's body.

"What the h-"

Quentin nudges him, staring at me. "Bigger problems."

I grin slightly and cock my head. Cracking my fingers I step out of the shadows.

"Just want you to know, this isn't personal or anything. Afraid you're just in my way."

Jerome staggers backwards and Quentin's eye widen as I lash out towards Ryan and connect with his throat. Instantly, he crumples. After my hand leaves his throat, I quickly try to do the same to Jerome. He backs up, and I'm off balance. I roll forward and come up with a kick that sends him crashing the the floor. I throw myself up and kick backwards towards Quentin. My feet connect with his stomach and he staggers backwards. Rolling once more, I grab a chair and whirl around. It connects with his skull and cracks. He slides to the floor, eyes rolled into his head.

Satisfied, I walk away. Taking stairs at two or three, I reach the next level in no time. Wincing, I reach down and rub my leg once I'm in the empty hallway.

A large force hits my back and I stagger forward. At the same time, a needle digs into the skin of my neck and an arm loops around my throat. Crying out, I scrabble at the face of my attacker behind me. A dull, aching pain flows through my neck and my eyesight grows hazy. My knees hit the floor and I slump forward, the weight of a body still pressed against my back.

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