The Sign of Three (Part 7)

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A few hours later, you were wandering the halls of the building in search of Sherlock. After the incident with Sholto, he left to talk to Lestrade. He mentioned something about the photographer and needing to bring him back. You hadn't seen him since.
You heard some voices close by and immediately followed them. You turned once more and there he was, his back facing you. You smiled and was about to enter the room when he turned and you realized he was with someone—Jeanine. Not only was he with her, but he was dancing with her. Your mouth dropped open. Before being spotted, you stepped out of the entryway, pressing your back against the wall.

"Why do we have to rehearse?" You heard Jeanine ask.

Sherlock's answer was much quieter, so you leaned your ear closer. "Because we are about to dance together in public, and your skills are appalling."

Jeanine laughed. "Well, you're a good teacher."

"Mmm." Was Sherlock response. What you didn't know, was that as soon as Jeanine said that, he thought of you and the dance lessons you had together.

"And you're a brilliant dancer," She added.

"I'll let you in on something, Jeanine."

"Go on, then."

"I love dancing. I've always loved it."

"Seriously?" The maid of honor asked surprised.

"Watch out."

You peeked into the room, just in time to see Sherlock perform a swift and, dare you say, perfect pirouette. At the same moment that his foot planted back on the ground, you had slipped back out of view.

"Ooh! Woah!" Jeanine exclaimed.

Sherlock cleared his throat, a bit in embarrassment. "Never really comes up in crime work; but, um, you know, I live in hope of the right case."

Jeanine sighed. "I wish you weren't..." She thought for a moment, figuring out the right wording to use. "...whatever it is you are."

He looked down at her. "I know."

John suddenly walked up behind you. "Y/n."

You jumped slightly. "Oh, hi John."

He smiled. "What're you doing?" He asked walking past you.

"Looking for Sherlock," You answered, stepping in line behind him.

John looked to the side immediately and pointed to the detective and maid of honor. "He's right there."

You looked as well. "Oh! So he is." You did your best to sound surprised.

John picked up on the bit of frustration in your voice. He also took into account Jeanine. He said nothing though and simply walked towards his friend. As soon as Sherlock saw you, he took a minuscule step away from Jeanine and avoided eye contact.

"Well, glad to see you've pulled, Sherlock, what with murderers running riot at my wedding." John clapped his hand on the detective's shoulder.

"One murder—" Sherlock argued, "—one nearly murder." He glanced at Jeanine. "Loves to exaggerate. You should try living with him."

You chuckled. "I think Mary gets that benefit all to herself now."

John smiled widely and bounced on his feet a bit in happiness. "Yes she does!"

The entrance door opened behind you all and Lestrade entered. "Sherlock?" He called out, pointing back out the door. "Got him for you."

Sherlock clapped his hands together once as someone else walked in. "Ah, the photographer. Excellent." He nodded at Greg appreciatively. "Thank you." The detective walked up to the photographer. He indicated the camera he held. "Er...may I have a look at your camera?"

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