The Lying Detective (Part 1)

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You trudged up the stairs to your flat, practically falling inside as you opened the door. You stayed there for a moment, letting out a groan.

"God, having a job sucks," You said to your empty flat.

You walked farther in, pulling a small notebook out of your purse before hanging it up with your coat. As you continued forward, you flipped through the pages of the notebook until you reached the newest entry.
Over the course of the past year, you had started writing down the things you could remember about your brother's mysterious death. You scribbled down every little detail you thought of. What did you do with all of this information? Well, you had decided to take a page out of Sherlock Holmes's book and created an evidence wall.
The wall you chose was in your bedroom across from the foot of your bed. In the center of it all was a picture of your brother—the most recent one you could find. The rest of the wall was covered by taped up paper with those little details. Some had questions on them, others had something random you'd remembered, one section had the lyrics of the little girl's song that you kept recalling. You still couldn't figure out the order of the song, and the tune kept escaping your memory. But you kept all of the lyrics grouped together.
Today, you brought just one more piece of information. While at work, you remembered gravestones for some reason. You were unable to figure out what the names on the stones were though. You stuck the paper where there was some open space. Then, you grabbed a few more blank sheets and started writing questions.

'Where are these gravestones?'

'Was this for the funeral?'

'Whose gravestones are they?'

'Are the names important?'

Each of these, you taped up beside the new paper. After you'd done that, you sat down on your bed and just took it all in. Your wall was almost completely covered with everything you'd remembered.

"Very well done, y/n," A deep voice said from behind you. You closed your eyes, deciding to remain silently frustrated. "Your 'evidence wall' might be even more impressive than any of mine."

The source of the voice now stood in front of you. At least, that's where you imagined him now. Sherlock Holmes smiled at you as he leaned against the empty space on the wall.

"Why are you here?"

He shrugged. "It's your mind. You chose me to come."

You sighed. "I knew you were going to say that."

"Like I said, it's your mind."

"Alright." You pushed yourself off your bed. "Since you're here then, why don't you help me out?"

"I go where you tell me."

You rolled your eyes, realizing for a moment that you were annoying yourself. You shook aside the thought, placing Sherlock beside you. Both of you were looking at the pictures and papers.

"Okay, I need you to be Sherlock Holmes," You said. "You need to think like him."

The image clapped his hands together. "Right! Yes! Let's think like Sherlock Holmes." With a wave of his hand, a magnifying glass appeared in his hand. "What do we know for certain about this case?"

"He was murdered-" You began.

"Obviously," Sherlock interrupted, tossing the magnifying glass over his shoulder. It disappeared into thin air.

You gave the detective a look. "I wasn't finished yet." Sherlock stiffened and tightened his lips. "He was murdered by the little girl I keep seeing, I'm sure of it." Your hand hovered over the information you talked of. "I have no idea who the little girl is, but every time I remember her, I hear her singing."

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