The Great Game (Part 2)

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"Sherlock! Y/n!"

John was frantic as he rushed up the stairs. He came to your flat first and knocked, but you didn't answer. This caused his panic to double. He tried the doorknob, but it was locked so he hurried the rest of the way up the stairs.

"Sherlock!" He called once more as he entered the flat.

He paused in the doorway when he saw Sherlock in his normal spot, perfectly fine. In fact, the detective was holding his violin on his lap and plucked a few of the strings, looking up at his flat mate.

"John," He said in greeting.

Sherlock's brother Mycroft Holmes sat across from the consulting detective. John quickly took in the scene before him. The messy living room, the boarded up windows, Sherlock and Mycroft.

"I saw it on the telly. Are you okay?" John asked referring to the explosion.

"Hmm? What?" Sherlock looked around, saw the mess, and then came to realize what John meant. "Oh, yeah. Fine. Gas leak, apparently."

John nodded in response. "What about y/n? Where's she?"

With the bow from his violin, Sherlock pointed ahead of him. "Kitchen."

John peered into the kitchen and, lo and behold, there you were. You smiled at him. "Hello John!" You greeted him, then held up the kettle. "Would you like a cup of tea?"

John blinked a few times, clearly trying to wrap his head around the nonchalant attitude you and Sherlock were exhibiting towards the apparent gas leak.


Upon hearing his name, he snapped back to reality. You were still standing there with the kettle in your hands, eyebrows raised as you awaited his answer.

" No tea, thank you."

You nodded and then proceeded to pour three cups of tea.
John made his way back into the living room and began to look over the damage that was done.

"Perhaps you can get through to him, John," Mycroft said, suddenly bringing the doctor into the conversation.

John turned around to face him. "What?" He had clearly missed an important part of the conversation.

Mycroft continued as you hand out the cups of tea. "I'm afraid my brother can be quite intransigent." He gave you a nod of thanks as you handed him a teacup.

"If you're so keen, why don't you investigate it?" Sherlock asked annoyedly. His expression changed quickly though as you handed him his cup. He smiled softly at you.

"No, no, no, no, no. I can't possibly be away from the office for any length of time. Not with the Korean elections so..." Mycroft trailed off.

You all slowly looked at him in surprise, the room falling into an uncomfortable silence.

Mycroft twirled his umbrella. "Well, you don't need to know about that, do you?" He smiled at the three of you.
Picking up on the message to forget what he said, you walked back to the kitchen to fetch your own cup of tea.

"Besides, a case like this—it requires...legwork,"He grimaced on the last word.

You scoffed silently as you headed towards the sofa, locking eyes with Sherlock after you sat down. Clearly you were both thinking the same thing.

'So much for losing wait then, Mycroft.'

The two of you hid your smiles by taking a sip of tea. Sherlock placed his cup on the table beside his chair and addressed his flatmate. "How's Sarah, John? How was the lilo?" Sherlock's attempt to change the subject worked perfectly as Mycroft joined in the deductions.

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