The Lying Detective (Part 3)

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A/n: Apologies once again for taking longer than usual to update! I'm still trying to find a proper balance between schoolwork and a social life. I hope to update again within two weeks at the most, but I can't promise anything since I have Midterm Exams coming up in a week. I hope you can be patient with me!
I am very excited for the next chapter though, so I might wind up writing it sooner than I might expect! We'll see!

Anyway, thank you all for reading and supporting me this far! I love you all a crazy bunch! 😜💖



"Well? How is he?" John asked Molly.

The limo and the ambulance had pulled up outside a TV studio, which confused you. You didn't question it though.

"Basically fine," Sherlock answered from inside the ambulance. He pulled off his dressing gown and bent over to grab his coat.

"I've seen healthier people on the slab," Molly said.

"Geez," You mumbled, shaking your head.

"Yeah but, to be fair, you work with murder victims," Sherlock said. "They tend to be quite young."

"Not funny," Molly retorted.

"Little bit funny." He slipped on his coat.

"If you keep taking what you're taking at the rate you're taking it, you've got weeks."

Your blood ran cold when you heard that. You looked to Sherlock to see what his reaction to this revelation might be. He did not appear bothered.

"Exactly, weeks. Let's not get ahead of ourselves." Sherlock stepped down from the ambulance, immediately taking his place beside you.

"For Christ's sake, Sherlock," Molly cried, "it's not a game!"

He tilted his head at her. "I'm worried about you, Molly. You seem stressed."

Molly stared him down. "I'm stressed; you're dying."

"Yeah, well, I'm ahead, then. Stress can ruin every day of your life. Dying can only ruin one."

You grabbed Sherlock's arm and made him face you. "Stop it, Sherlock."

He saw the scared, pleading look in your eyes. His expression softened for a moment.

"Please," You whispered.

"I'm sorry," He said in response.

You lowered your head in despair. John stepped forward, not having caught the conversation between you two. "So, this is real? You've really lost it. You're actually out of control."

Sherlock turned around to face his friend. "When have I ever been that?"

"Since the day I met you."

"Oh, clever boy. I've missed you fumbling 'round the place."

John turned to Molly. "I thought this was some kind of..."

"What?" Sherlock asked.

He looked back at the detective. "...trick."

"'Course it's not a trick," Sherlock responded, a bit of glee in his words. "It's a plan."

You finally lifted your head. "It always is, isn't it?"

Sherlock looked back at you. You half expected him to have a snarky response, but the sadness in your tone must have been evident enough that even he knew better than to do such a thing. He looked at the ground apologetically.

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