A Tale of Two Sisters {1}

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The ceremony was done. Together, finally husband and wife, father and Belle had left to go do their own thing while Bae and I returned to the gathering at Granny's. Night soon passing over to morning, the party was still at full swing when we arrived. But it appeared not everyone was having a particularly good time.

Only seconds of being back at the party, and Killian had already informed us about just how much we had screwed up. Apparently that woman that we brought back to our world had a relationship with someone in Storybrooke. And that was why I knew who she was.

It was Marian. Robin Hood's Marian. The very same Marian who we had witnessed sick in a cart only to then be healed by Robin after he stole a wand from us. It was his wife! Oh, shit.

Looking away from the bar I was standing at with the others, my eyes landed on the reunited couple talking to each other in the corner of the room, their son, Roland, was sleeping in his mother's arms. But a few steps away from them was a certain dark haired Queen. A woman who had worked so hard to obtain her happy ending with Robin, a woman who had managed the impossible and changed for the sake of her son and her love. Regina.

I watched her stand there, watching the couple for several more moments before she picked up her coat and walked out of the building. Seconds later, Emma went out after her and I knew that I was partly to blame for ruining Regina's relationship so I waited a couple more seconds before I went out after them both.

"The more you try to help, the worse my life becomes," Regina said to Emma, as I approached them.

"Regina, I am so, so sorry. If we had known—" I began.

"You'd what? Leave her there to die? Not have brought her back? It doesn't really matter now, Amie. What's done is done," Regina shook her head.

"I mean, who knows, maybe Robin will just help Marian settle down and then stay with you," I offered.

"Don't do that," Regina requested.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Give me false hope. It's pointless having it. I'm the villain, remember?" Regina smiled humourlessly.

"You are not the villain, Regina. Anyone and everyone can see just how much you've changed and how good you really are," I reminded her.

"Marian didn't," Regina countered.

"That's because she doesn't know the real you," I argued.

"Doesn't she?" Regina retaliated, just as the door to Granny's opened once again.

"Marian. Please, meet her. She's not at all what you think," Robin's voice said, as he led Marian out towards us.

I went to move over to the side with Emma to give them some space but before I could make it very far, I felt a hand on my forearm.

"Don't go," Regina requested.

Silently, I nodded and remained where I stood.

"Regina... I want you to meet Marian," Robin introduced, his voice shaking slightly with nervousness. "I want us to talk about this."

"Wait, were you two... are you two together?" Marian asked.

"Marian, please..." Robin begged.

"You and the Evil Queen?" Marian insisted. "Did you let her near my son? Do you know what she's done, the terror that she's inflicted?"

Robin was quick to walk over to Regina and start trying to talk to her, but my attention was focused on Marian.

"Of course he knows that," I spoke up, making Marian turn to me. "Everyone knows what the Evil Queen did. But Regina is not her, she is an entirely different person. So before you go getting even more critical about something that you clearly don't understand, I suggest you remember that you are only alive because of Emma, Killian, and myself. And insulting one of my closest friends really is not a good way of showing your gratitude. We could have just left you to die in that cell, but we didn't. We gave you a second chance so I suggest that you use it wisely and give Regina a chance."

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